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I ovdje.
Meni je pogled bitan. Pogled kroz prozor. A uvijek su bili bezveze. Kod bake volim pogled iako ne seže daleko.
Mogla bih sada napisati sastav ˝Jesen u mom gradu˝.
Nikako se ne mogu odlučiti. Osamnaesto, devetnaesto, dvadesete, pedesete... Sada? A sto godina doista čini razliku?
Giacomo Casanova je znao kako se to radi.
Satan Bunny is more dangerous than he looks. He lures kids in, and gets them hooked on narcotic marijuana.
Original Jesus had a heart. The rest never did.
Not all men however suffer from "pussy whip". The condition afflicts the types of desperate men who will do anything for a piece of ass, rather than the more enlightened man who understands that it is in fact the role of the man to control and dominate the woman.
All you need is love.
Note: This section's header has been scientechnically proven by some Beatles.
A man was sent into the Outback without water, food, clothes or shade. He was even regularly deprived of sunlight, to ensure any photosynthetic abilities he may have evolved were quenched. A helicopter circled him the entire time with an Asian woman hanging out, yelling "I love you".
The subject survived almost three weeks. Scienticians believe that the repetition of the words blended together in such a way to sound like "i'll huff you". Of course that meant the subject was out of love, and everything else and thus he died.
It should be noted here that love responds to the wavelength of happiness. As such, being pissy is not the same as peeing. Usually.

Šalu na stranu, upravo sam pogledala animirani film ˝Beauty of life˝. Život je lijep.

Post je objavljen 23.11.2006. u 16:48 sati.