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Duuuugi vikend

Ajd, hvala ti bože na ovo malo odmora što ćemo imati u sljedećih 5 dana. Škole mi je stvarno preko glave. Neki smo dan trebali ići svi na neki koncert klasične glazbe da dobijemo 5 iz aktivnosti na glazbenom. Ljudi su tamo SPAVALI, koliko je zamorno bilo. Na kraju smo otišli s koncerta i prije nego li je završio (što je previše, previše je...). Osim nas (srednjoškolaca), bilo je tu nešto dedeka i bakica . Da nas, jadnu djecu, ne tjeraju na takva sranja, nitko im ne bi ni došao (osim,dedeka i bakica, jer ulaz je bio besplatan). Dobro, nije da sam ja sad nešto protiv klasike, al mislim da je ta vrsta glazbe malo preozbiljna (čitaj:predosadna) za nas. No,opet:Ko voli, nek izvoli...
Osim toga, nije se baš bogzna što posebno događalo. Hmmm...Bar ne još! Uskoro ćemo na mali izlet u Samobor, na neko "planinarenje" . Mislim da će bit super, samo ako ne bude baš prehladno...Valjda neće.

Želim još samo objavit i ovo: Green Day i U2 su snimili jednu pjesmu skupa. Nabavila sam je od sestričine (i to:i studio verziju i live, te mali video s nastupa) i mogu reći da je fenomenalna... Zove se The Saints Are Coming.

Evo riječi:

Single: The Saints Are Coming
Written by:The Skids
Performed by Green Day & U2

There is a house in New Orleans
They call the rising sun
It's been the ruin of many a poor boy
And God I know I'm one

I cried to my daddy on the telephone 'How long now?'
Until the clouds unroll and you come home
the line went
But the shadows still remain since your descent
your descent

I cried to my daddy on the telephone 'How long now?'
Until the clouds unroll and you come home
the line went
But the shadows still remain since your descent
your descent

The saints are coming, the saints are coming
I say no matter how I try, I realize there’s no reply
The saints are coming, the saints are coming
I say no matter how I try, I realize there’s no reply

(New birth, to the rebirth
New Orleans.
Living like birds in magnolia trees
A child on the rooftop
A Mother on her knees,her sign reads
"Please, I am an American!!")

A drowning sorrow floods the deepest grief
How long now
'Til a weather change condemns belief
How long now
When the night watchman let's in the thief
Whats wrong now

The saints are coming, the saints are coming
I say no matter how I try, I realize there’s no reply
The saints are coming, the saints are coming
I say no matter how I try, I realize there’s no reply
I say no matter how I try, I realize there’s no reply
I say no matter how I try, I realize there’s no reply

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Post je objavljen 01.11.2006. u 10:56 sati.