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--- the introduction ---
Taig Khris is among the most recognized individuals in the World of Extreme Sports. With over 100 Inline Skating Contests under his belt in his 6 year career, he has finished as a Medalist in all but three events. Taig Khris was also the first athlete ever to land a double back flip in competition;for which he won the 2001 X Games Gold Medal and the Title of World Champion. There is no question that the name 'Taig Khris' is as synonymus with Inline Skating as 'Tony Hawk' is with skateboarding.

About Taig Khris
Birth Date - July 27, 1975
Birth Place - Algeria
Nationality - France
Height - 5' 9"

X Games Medals
2004 - Meet Taig at the 2004 X Games!
2003 - Placed 4th in Vert
2002 - Did not compete due to injury
2001 - 1st Place Vert (Gold)
1999 - 1st Place Vert Triples (Gold)
1998 - 3rd Place Vert (Bronze)
1998 - 3rd Place Vert Triples (Bronze)
1997 - 2nd Place Vert (Silver)

--njegovi sponzori:


So when did you start skating?
I first started quad skating when I was six years old. Just skated everywhere, then started doin' tricks along the way and building jumps. I didn't see a half pipe until I was 15 - it was love at first sight. But I didn't get to try inline until I was 21 and then it happened really quickly. I got my first contract after my first comp and suddenly everything changed. I was travelling, I had to learn English real quick! It was a dream. I thought inline would only be around for a couple of years. Now it's my life.

What about the vid game?
That was a big step. After the Dave Mirra game, everyone hoped that inline would be next and I was approached by Acclaim last year which was unreal! It's the first inline skate game and I really got involved in the development, the characters, motion capture editing, all of it. We wanted to make it as real as possible, so there are no impossible tricks, just real tricks. And each character has an ultimate trick - mine is the double backflip, of course.

I've heard that as well as skating you also run a skate shop, go salsa dancing, free dive and act. Is this true?

Yeah, I like to do all kinds of stuff as well as skate. My dad was a theatre actor and I've started acting too. Last year, I started to think about what other career I could have as well as inline. I love to do creative stuff and started acting classes. Now I have a coach and am in two movies that will be released later this year. I can't tell you much right now but the director is Philip Dusol. Watch out for them! I'm not skating in them 'cos I don't want to be typecast.

Why is inline seen as not being as cool as skateboarding and bmx?
Yeah, that's a problem sometimes. Well, inline is a new sport and so most of the pro skaters are young. Skateboarding and BMX are older sports with pros in their later twenties and thirties. They've got experience and their sport has matured. Inliners were initially seen as just being immature kids, also, the level of skill was not as high at first, so it was seen as being easy. All that has changed now and inline was given big respect at the X Games last year. But there's still an attitude against inliners. If you are in a skate park on your own, you're not made to feel welcome. I want to fight this attitude.

How are you planning to do that?
Well, this year I have been working on lots of tricks and plan to prove that inline is as extreme as other sports. First I'm gonna try and break the vert record. I'll build a quarter pipe twice as high as normal, more than six metres high. I want to get higher than previous records in any sport. I'll do this in Las Vegas or at the Gravity Games. Next I'm building a special ramp that looks real weird, has never been built before and is seven metres high. It's gonna blow people's minds and I'll be the first to use it, probably at the X Games. Finally I'm in training for a new trick. One that hasn't been done before in any sport, not even gymnastics! It's a special spin and I'm gonna do that at the Gravity Games too. After all of this, inline won't be seen as easy any more.

What's the most expensive thing you've bought?
Hmm ... I'm not a materialist, don't want a big car, don't want to show off. If I spend money on expensive things it's for my job. I have a good mobile phone and laptop and camera and stuff. If I spend one thousand dollars, I feel bad 'cos some people don't earn that in years. So, I'm not happy throwing money around. Also, I support my family and like to think about everybody, not just myself


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Post je objavljen 29.10.2006. u 13:16 sati.