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ne znam šta mi je-malo sam happy happy a malo na rubu plača...sama sebi idem na nerve s tim raspoloženjem....

uskoro je moj roćkas...nemogu vjerovati kako starim....čini mi se ko da sam se još juče igrala u pijesku s bratić ludnica....

nije stvar što ću ja sad imat 17 godina već što ja mislim da sam još jako neozbiljna i djetinjasta i da se ne znam nositi s brojem 17...

sad mi je pala ona pjesma sedamnaest mi je godina još se nisam ljubila...i she is only 17 but she doesnt like me....i tak te gluposti....jedino mi je drago što sam zbilja proživila tih17 godina kak treba nisam u ničemu žurila i zbog toga ne žalim....

Reamon - Supergirl
You can tell by the way she walks
that she's my girl.
You can tell by the way
she talks she lose the world.
You can see in her eyes
that no one is her change
She's my girl,
my supergirl.

And then she'd say:
"It's ok, I got lost on the way
but I'm a supergirl
and supergirls don't cry"
And then she'd say:
"It's alright, I got home
late last night
but I'm a supergirl
and supergirls just fly".
And then she'd say
that nothing can go wrong
"When you're in love
what can be wrong?"
And then she'd laugh
the night time into day
pushing her fear
further alone


And then she'd shout
down the line
tell me she's got no more time
cause she's a supergirl
and supergirls don't cry

And then she'd scream
in my face
tell me to leave,
leave this place
cause she's a supergirl
and supergirls just fly
Yeah she's a supergirl,
a supergirl.
She's so in seeds*
she's burning trees*
She's so in seeds*
he's burning streams*
yeah she's a supergirl
a supergirl
a supergirl
my supergirl.


Post je objavljen 26.10.2006. u 21:24 sati.