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I'm back in school

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Yay! Odlično je. I jučer sam bila. Bilo je sve OK, osim fizike me bilo strah. Al neću više razmišljat o tome. Taj dan, pogotovo posle school oću zaboraviti. 1. jer sam si v gradu zgubila pernicu pa sam ju 20 minut tražila i fala bogu našla, 2. jer sam srela svoju BIVŠU(od sad je službeno) naj frendicu Gitu. Al danas je bilo zakon. Pod četvrtim satom, odnosno 2. satim engleskog sam se z Mariom/mojim susedom celi sat, doslovno celi sat zajebavala. On je meni kral mob, a ja sam njemu pravila grimase i pjevala zvonko i banane u pidžami-hehe. I slala sam mu puse(tak sam ga zajebavala), jer mislim da su on i moja naj frendica Matejica in love!kiss Dajte se već jenput spetljajte, c'mon! Hehe... Fala Bogu ni me pitala biologiju, neg je pitala Mirnu Z., Luku i Marka. Danas nas je par ostalo šesti sat(matka objašnjavanje) i malo smo vježbali pod odmorom a onda dvajst minut spominale i onda oko 18. 15 otišle doma. Sutra morti nemamo prvi sat, a četvrti umjesto 2. sata latinskog imamo engleski....eekyes

E,ljudi se zmislite one hit pjesmice, pjevačice Emilie, "I'm a big girl, in a big world..." evo vam lyrics, i slike od emilie. to sam neki dan našla i lepo se prisjetila.... FOB i OTH rocks!

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I'm a big big girl

In a big big world

It's not a big big thing if you leave me

But I do do feel that

I do do will miss you much

Miss you much...

I can see the first leaf falling

It's all yellow and nice

It's so very cold outside

Like the way I'm feeling inside

I'm a big big girl

In a big big world

It's not a big big thing if you leave me

But I do do feel that

I do do will miss you much

Miss you much...

Outside it's now raining

And tears are falling from my eyes

Why did it have to happen

Why did it all have to end

I'm a big big girl

In a big big world

It's not a big big thing if you leave me

But I do do feel that

I do do will miss you much

Miss you much...

I have your arms around me ooooh like fire

But when I open my eyes

You're gone...

I'm a big big girl

In a big big world

It's not a big big thing if you leave me

But I do do feel that

I do do will miss you much

Miss you much...

I'm a big big girl

In a big big world

It's not a big big thing if you leave me

But I do feel I will miss you much

Miss you much...

Post je objavljen 26.10.2006. u 20:40 sati.