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they were the dragon knights of the Takhisis Great army. He doubted should he join them or not, but in the end he decided it would be the best he gain from this war. he's heart wasn't wicked as desired, but none the less, he hasn't followed any path yet... he was just a lost knight, with suficient power to control a dragon...well...control is a clumsy word. Asherie is not really his servent... he, better yet, she was a young red dragon who obviously missed her mother, because he fpund her just layed from the egg in a dungeon somewhere in the mountains... he didn't know exactly, cause he was lost in a persuit for a mage who killed his entire village. as soon as she saw him, she concluded he's one of her family... the only trick to keep her convinced was never to let her look in the mirror.... he persuaded her that he used he+s human forme, and that she grew large, actually very huge, because she didn't had the power to transform, and that she looked like him in her upper body just like him. but now, Asherie met the other dragons, kept questioning does she came from a ''mixed marriage'' and why would she look like hime... he now understood he made a mistake trying to make her think he was her father. sooner or later, she will came to a conclusion that she couldn't be half human, half dragon... it was impossible...
so he joined Takhisis's army, hoping she would get killed without his supervision... a lousy chance, but the only he got... it hasn't turned up the way he thought though...

Post je objavljen 25.10.2006. u 20:15 sati.