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danas mi se bljuvalo kad sam vidjela schweppsin palac na kojem je ogulila pola kože-skoro do kostiju...onim ribačem za salatu i ta sranja il kak se već to kaže...odvratno!sve mi se zgadi...jadna ona.
danas nismo imali prva dva sata pa sam išla s vedranom u paradise a jasna je došla malo kasnije i tak...i onda u šk...fuj! lud
sutra me pita dva predmeta...bit će super ak dobijem dva jer niš neznam,možda dvje-tri rečenice...i to ne potpune-neg neš mojeg izmrmljano... bang
sad bi kao trebala uč kad mi se ne da! a kom se da?!?
jedva čekam idući tjedan jer ćemo u šk samo u pon i uto...
i da,od nikoline (cura iz razreda) je mama rodila blizančeke...kak slatko...oba dva muški... naughty mouthwash

i evo vam jedna meni fakat super pjesma (riječi) i pokoja sličica...

Could I Have This Kiss Forever - Enrique (with Whitney Houston)
Over and over I look in your eyes
You are all I desire
You have captured me
I want to hold you I want to be close to you
I never want to let go
I wish that this night would never end
I need to know
Could I hold you for a lifetime
Could I look into your eyes
Could I have this night to share this night together
Could I hold you close beside me
Could I hold you for all time
Could I could I have this kiss forever
Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever
Over and over I`ve dreamed of this night
Now you`re here by my side
You are next to me
I want to hold you and touch you and taste you
And make you want no one but me
I wish that this kiss could never end
Oh baby please
Could I hold you for a lifetime
Could I look into your eyes
Could I have this night to share this night together
Could I hold you close beside me
Could I hold you for all time
Could I could I have this kiss forever
Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever
I don`t want any night to go by
Without you by my side
I just want all my days
Spent being next to you
Lived for just loving you
And baby, oh by the way

Could I hold you for a lifetime
Could I look into your eyes
Could I have this night to share this night together
Could I hold you close beside me
Could I hold you for all time
Could I could I have this kiss forever
Could I could I have this kiss forever, forever

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Post je objavljen 23.10.2006. u 20:15 sati.