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About Nieria

Nireia was born in a city in the south. her mother Mikah was an adventurer who traveled the continent with her friends, on a persuit for goodness and honor. after finding out that she's pregnant, se settled in a large city in the south and spent 10 years raising Nireia and teaching her. though she loved her child, she couldn't stay in one place too long, so she left Nireia in one of the temples, to be taken care of by priests and journeyed off in distant lands.
Nireia enjoyed the company of many adventurers who often stayed with her mother, especilly she loved the soties of battles and wonders that are just behind the corner - waiting for her to grow up. she wasn't really struck when her mother mother left, beacuse Mikah was a cold woman of iron will, never let anybody come to close to her. she never revealed the identity of Nireia's father; though the child always suspected it was one of her companios.
At the age of 15 Nireia was already a very good fighter but she felt as if something lacks. one night she had a vision in her sleep, a vision of glory and honor, of fairness and goodness...presented by a most peculiar entity. she told her godfather, an old priest by the name of Arthur, about her vision and then he decided to introduce her the way of Light. After some years, Arthur sent the girl to his close friend, paladin Uther, to train.
In the final year of training, a messenger came to Nireia saying that she must most urgently see Arthur the priest, as he was on his death bed. when arrived, the old man told her that her mother didn't really left her and went adventuring, but was summoned to a mysterious meeting with a fellow called BlackThorne. shortly afer she left the city in haste, leaving a note Arthur was to give Nireia when she reaches the age of 25. after deliviring the note, the priest passed away.
the note said: ''To my lovely daughter: Nireia, now you finally know I haven't abandoned you for no reason. I hope in your heart you already knew that I would never leave you, unless it was necessary. I was approached by a messenger from your father, saying it was urgent I travel north to meet him. and so i did. but it wasn't him I met, but a man in black cloak I managed to kill in battle, unfortunately before he could tell be what happened to your father. on his body I found evidence that assured me your father is in trouble, and I had to travel to see if I can help him. Alas, once again I will not reveal his identity, it is for your own good. Know that you have many and too many characteristics of your father, starting with your eyes... I must end this letter bacuse I'm in a hurry. I don't think I will ever return to you, my child, for this quest seems too dangerous even for me and my companions (luckly, i won't be alone if it's any comfort). for anything you might need, speak to Arthur, he will help you.''
Nireia started asking around about her mother and Blackthorne and but none could help her. in the persuit she traveled around her homeland for about 2 years of constant search.
in a village month by foot to the north, she was intorudced to an elf whose name was translated as Daydreamer, a bard, who sang her a song about a brave woman who lived not ling ago. she was called Mikah and had great skill with weapons. she followed a cry for help of her one true love and on that path was smited by a powerful enemy who walked among the shadows. Nireia's heart knew it WAS the story of her mother. the song lasted for hours, describing the battle. Daydreamer's most pleasant voice floated swiftly as the mood changed. as the song came to an end, the end of Mikah's life, he was wispering so quietly Nireia barely heard him. she tried to get as many answers as possible, but the bard could not say more. he said he did not witness the event, but has encountered one who told him the story and asked him to compose it in an anastonishing song, so it may be heard far away, sang by the campfires, and finally, to reach every soul who wants to stand up and fight this new evil. Nireia was aware of the answer, but still asked about the man. Daydreamer looked at her. -He's name was Ildian.-he said. -Or as you may know of him, my child, Blackthorne.
She felt as though someone had tear her heart open. She knew she has to be firm and brave but still started to cry. The bard gazed at her. she thought he was mocking her beacuse of the tears. then he stood up, shook his shoulders and said: - From what I hear, you are just like your mother. afraid of showing your feelings, but still very tender and fragile. Very beautiful, even to my taste. you have his eyes, my child.

Post je objavljen 20.10.2006. u 18:05 sati.