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U to vam nisam rekla.Prije tjedan dana uspjela sam istalirat simse to mi nikad prije nije uspjelo ali ovaj put je.Baš sam sretna.Danas sam imala likovni i kada sam ušla u učionicu na stolu sam vidjela knjigu Haw to draw manga?,te smo taj sat crtali strip.

Evo vama malo da naučite ako neznate:
1.To draw Rei Ayanami, begin by sketching a large circle for the top half of her face, and add the lower half of the face. Notice that the distance from the top eye guideline to the bottom of the circle is about the same as the distance from the bottom of the circle to the chin; this should help you with the proportions a little. Draw the guidelines as shown. The eyes are not very large, so keep the guidelines for the eyes close together. The guidelines for the nose and mouth should be about the same distance apart as the guidelines for the eyes. Make sure you draw the guidelines lightly, because you are going to erase them later on.

2.Next, add the eyes, nose and mouth. The eyes should be spaced a little over one eye length apart. Notice that the bottoms of her eyes are not drawn in; they are defined by the irises, rather than lines. Rei isn't generally very emotive, so don't make the mouth or eyes too arched or exaggerated.

3.Next, erase the guidelines and draw in the basic outline of the hair. Rei's hair is very detailed, so for now, just worry about getting the shape of the hair to look right. Notice how the hair is separated into four main sections: the main part that comes down between the eyes, the two other parts to the left and right, and the round back part. Draw in the detail of her eyes, including the light glares and pupils. Although the bottoms of her eyes aren't drawn in, you can still tell where the bottom of the eyes are because of the irises. Draw her shoulders, as well. Rei has rather well defined shoulders (which is more apparent in the next picture), so don't just make them slope down like you normally would; you should be see the neck, back, and shoulder muscles, though they shouldn't be drawn as detailed and well developed as some of the Dragonball Z characters I featured earlier. ^_^ Just make sure you can see a little muscle definition.

4.Now comes the fun part: adding in all the detail. ^_~ The detail on the hair may look daunting at first, but just remember the basic shapes you drew in before, and add on to them. Add lots and lots of extra strands of hair, making them as thin and delicate as you can. Make sure you have some strands that come down over her cheeks. Draw her plug suit, making sure to keep the form streamlined, since it is a rather tight-fitting suit. ^_^ Again, make sure you show a little muscle definition around the shoulders. Try to make the oval things on her shoulders (I'm not quite sure what they're called) look like they are bulging out a little. Draw the things on her head, as well.

Post je objavljen 09.10.2006. u 18:45 sati.