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vratila sam se...

hejla, bila sam za vikend u Zagrebu... vratila sam se u utorak... jedan frend mi je imao rodendan... bilo nam je super... slavio je u jednom kaficu... ma strava... iako mu je rodendan tek za nekih 10ak dana nije mu se dalo cekat pa ga je sad slavio... ah... strava... bio je i moj dragi... pa mi je pokazivao malo Zagreb posto on tamo studira pa ono... isli smo u shopping... svasta mi je kupio... bas je dobrica... prvi dan (petak) smo dosli i djiramo po gradu i tako... vidim ja jednu preslatku haljinicu u izlogu a skupa ko sam vrag... i kazem da mi se ful svida... a ono drugi dan dolazi nama u hotel lik s buketom i jednom kutijom... ja gledam sta je sad ovo... kad ono ta haljina u kutiji... nisam mogla vjerovat! ah... sta nije presladak... svi me pitaju di ih nadem tako dobre... a da stvar bude bolja stvarno neznam...
sef je odlucio preuredit kafic tako da sam sad na miru doma nekih 3 tjd... super...

ajd ljudi kis... neda mi se vise pisat...

komentirajteee... volim citat vase komentariche...

Jennifer Lopez: I'm glad

Baby when I think about
The day that we first met (the day that we first met)
Wasn't looking for what I found
But I found you
And I'm bound to
Find happiness in bein' around you

I'm glad when I'm makin' love to you
I'm glad for the way you make me feel
I love it 'cause you seem to blow my mind
I'm glad when we walk you hold my hand
I'm happy that you know how to be a man
I'm glad that you came into my life
I'm so glad

I dig the way that you get down (you get down and thugged out) And you still know how to hold me (and you still know how to hold me) Perfect blend, masculine (can't get enough now) I think I'm in love Damn, finally

I'm glad when I'm makin' love to you
I'm glad for the way you make me feel
I love it 'cause you seem to blow my mind
I'm glad when we walk you hold my hand
I'm happy that you know how to be a man
I'm glad that you came into my life
I'm so glad

I'm glad
That you
Turned out to be
That certain someone special
Who makes this life
Worth living
I'm glad
You're here
Just lovin' me
So say that you won't leave
'Cause since the day you came
I've been glad

I'm glad when I'm makin' love to you
I'm glad for the way you make me feel
I love it 'cause you seem to blow my mind
I'm glad when we walk you hold my hand
I'm happy that you know how to be a man
I'm glad that you came into my life
I'm so glad

Post je objavljen 22.09.2006. u 12:32 sati.