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Zašto volim Hornbya

Umjesto pridjeva punih divljenja evo nekoliko citata iz njegove knjige
A long way down. Da lakše shvatite.

How do people, like, not curse ? How is it possible?
There are all these gaps in speech where you just have to put a
I'll tell you who the most admirable people in the world are: newscasters.
If that was me, I'd be like, "And the motherfuckers flew the fucking
plane right into the Twin Towers". How could you not, if you're a
human being?
Maybe they're not so admirable. Maybe they're robot zombies.

razmišljanja teengerke nakon čitanja par strana Svjetionika Virginie Woolf the olden days anyone could get a book published because there
wasn't so much competition. So you could march into a publisher's office and
go, you know, I want this published, and they'd go, Oh,OK then.
Whereas now they'd go, No, dear, go away, no one will understand you.
Try pilates or salsa dancing instead.

osjećaj koji dobijete kad netko kritizira vašu omiljenu glazbu
It's music rage, which is like road rage, only more righteous.
When you get road rage, a tiny part of you knows you're
being a jerk, but when you get music rage, you're carrying out
the will of God, and God wants these people dead.

zaključci sredovječnog muškarca
Quite clearly, I need two heads, two heads being better than one
and all that. One would have to be the old one just because the
old one knows people's names and phone numbers, and which breakfast
cereal I prefer, and so on; the second would be able to observe
and interpret the bahaviour of the first, in the manner of a
television wildlife expert. Asking the head I have now to explain it's
own thinking is as pointless as dialling your own telephone
number on your own telephone: either way you get an engaged signal.

Ex-wives: really, everybody should have at least one.

Post je objavljen 18.09.2006. u 17:46 sati.