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Guns n Roses vs. Nirvana

MySpace Icon Collage

Objavit ću dio intervjua Kurta Cobaina koji govori o Guns n Roses. Upozorenje : Ne osuđujte Axla ili Duffa prebrzo jer svatko ima svoju stranu priče.

veljača 1992.Kurt Cobain

....AD: Real grungewear, not the designer kind?

KC: Not Perry Ellis. [Laughs] We were driving around in our Volvo, after buying some grungewear and we realized that we're not neccessarily as big as Guns N' Roses, but we're as popular as them, and we still don't have bodyguards. We still go shopping, we still go to movies and carry on with our lives.

I've always been a paranoid person by nature anyhow, and now I have all these people so concerned with what I say and what I do at all times that it's really hard for me to deal with that. I'm dealing with it a lot better than I would have expected. If I could have predicted what was going to happen to me a few years ago, I definitely wouldn't have opted for this kind of a lifestyle.

Slijedi jedan veći dio :

...AD: I read the liner notes you wrote on Incesticide. I've never seen somebody on a major label say, "If you're a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, we don't want you to buy our records."

KC: That's been the biggest problem that I've had being in this band. I know there are those people out in the audience, and there's not much I can do about it. I can talk about those issues in interviews - I think it's pretty obvious that we're against the homophobes and the sexists and the racists, but when "Teen Spirit" first came out, mainstream audiences were under the assumption that we were just like Guns N' Roses.

Then our opinions started showing up in interviews. And then things like Chris and I kissing on Saturday Night Live. We weren't trying to be subversive or punk rock; we were just doing something insane and stupid at the last minute. I think now that our opinions our out in the open, a lot of kids who bought our record regret knowing anyhing about us. [Laughs]

There is a war going on in the high schools now between Nirvana kids and Guns N' Roses kids. It's really cool. I'm really proud to be a part of that, because when I was in high school, I dressed like a punk rocker and people would scream "Devo!" at me-because Devo infiltrated the mainstream. Out of all the bands who came from the underground and actually made it in the mainstream, Devo is the most subversive and challenging of all. They're just awesome. I love them.

AD: Maybe there'll be a Devo revival soon, like the Village People revival.

KC: I saw the Village People two years ago in Seattle! They were so cool. They still had the same costumes.

AD: Is there anything about Guns N' Roses' music you like?

KC: I can't think of a damn thing. I can't even waste my time on that band, because they're so obviously pathetic and untalented. I used to think that everything in the mainstream pop world was crap, but now that some underground bands have been signed with majors, I take Guns N' Roses as more of an offense. I have to look into it more: They're really talentless people, and they write crap music, and they're the most popular rock band on the earth right now. I can't believe it.

AD: Didn't Axl Rose say something nasty to you at the MTV Video Music Awards in

KC: They actually tried to beat us up. Courtney and I were with the baby in the eating area backstage, and Axl walked by. So Courtney yelled, "Axl! Axl, come over here!" We just wanted to say hi to him--we think he's a joke, but we just wanted to say something to him. So I said, "Will you be the godfather of our child?" I don't know what had happened before that to piss him off, but he took his aggressions out on us and began screaming bloody murder.

These were his words: "You shut your bitch up, or I'm taking you down to the pavement." [laughs] Everyone around us just burst out into tears of laughter. She wasn't even saying anything mean, you know? So I turned to Courtney and said, "Shut up, bitch!" And everyone laughed and he left. So I guess I did what he wanted me to do--be a man. [laughs]

AD: Does he remind you of guys you went to high school with?

KC: Absolutely. Really confused, fucked-up guys. There's not much hope for them.

AD: When he was singing about "immigrants and faggots," people were excusing it by saying, "Well, he's from Indiana-"

KC: Oh, well, that's OK then. [Laughs] Insane. Later, after we played our show and were walking back to our trailer, the Guns N' Roses entourage came walking toward us. They have at least 50 bodyguards apiece: huge, gigantic, brain-dead oafs ready to kill for Axl at all times. [Laughs] They didn't see me, but they surrounded Chris, and Duff [McKagan of Guns N' Roses] wanted to beat Chris up, and the bodyguards started pushing Chris around. He finally escaped, but throughout the rest of the evening, there was a big threat of either Guns N' Roses themselves or their goons beating us up. We had to hide out.

Since then, every time Axl has played a show he's said some comment about me and Courtney. When he was in Seattle, he said "Nirvana would rather stay home and shoot drugs with their bitch wives than tour with us." [Laughs] That's why there's this big feud in most of the high schools. It's hilarious. He is insane, though. I was scared. I couldn't possibly beat
him up; I know he would beat me up if he had the chance.

AD: How do you feel about Guns N' Roses fans coming to see you?

KC: Well, when we played that No on 9 benefit in Portland, I said something about Guns N' Roses. Nothing nasty - I think I said, "And now, for our next song, 'Sweet Child o' Mine.'"
But some kid jumped onstage and said, "Hey, man, Guns N' Roses plays awesome music,
and Nirvana plays awesome music. Let's just get along and work things out, man!"

And I just couldn't help but say, "No, kid, you're really wrong. Those people are total sexist jerks, and the reason we're playing this show is to fight homophobia in a real small way. The guy is a fucking sexist and a racist and a homophobe, and you can't be on his side and be on our side. I'm sorry that I have to divide this up like this, but it's something you can't ignore. And besides they can't write good music." [Laughs]

AD: You know, you were probably taking money from people who were voting yes on 9 -
but they really wanted to see Nirvana.

KC: [Laughs] Right! Chris went to a Guns N' Roses concert when they played here with Metallica a couple of months ago, and he went backstage, and there were these two bimbo girls who looked like they walked out of a Warrant video. They were sitting on the couch in hopes of sucking Axl's dick or something, and one of them said, "Chris, we saw you at that
No on 9 benefit! We're voting yes on 9! You kissed Kurt on the lips! That was disgusting!" [Laughs] To know that we affect people like that-it's kind of funny. The sad thing is that there's no penetrating them. After all that, after all the things those girls had seen us do,
that was the one thing that sticks in their minds.

Nemojte prebrzo osuđivati Axla ili Duffa , ili Kurta (iako intervju ne ostavlja negativan dojam na njega). Nitko nezna što se točno dogodilo, pa tako ni novine, a ni mi. Ako osuđujete Axla , moram reći da ste upravo čitali riječi čovjeka koji je bio ipak malo previše hhmmm depresivan i narkoman (iako legendaran ), a i riječi čovjeka koji je bio u grupi koja je bila u ono vrijeme glavni konkurent Gunsima. Ako osuđujete Kurta , moram reći da svi znamo da je Axl na neke stvari reagirao jako agresivno i da Kurt ima sasvim opravdan razlog da ovo govori. Ako osuđujete Duffa, svi znamo da to što je rekao Kurt ne mora biti istina jer, ponavljam: U ono vrijeme su Gunsi i Nirvana bili konkurencija. Nemojte mi ostavljat negativne komentare , ako se možda čini da osuđujem nekoga, to je sasvim slučajno.Ono što je bilo između njih , je njihova stvar. To što sam rekla da je Kurt bio predepresivan i narkoman nije uvreda već činjenica. To što sam rekla da je Axl bio agresivan nije uvreda već činjenica. Nemojte mi ostavljat negativne komentare, molim vas još jednom. , Eh, da i u ono vrijeme bilo je nezamislivo da netko sluša i Gunse i Nirvanu.

MySpace Icon Collage

Post je objavljen 17.09.2006. u 18:50 sati.