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Primal Fear

Vezano na tekucu problematiku putovanja s kontinenta na kontinent, a povodom najnovijih 'nezamislivih otkrica' antiteroristickih formacija u UK i sirom islamskog svijeta (zacudo pa je opet kao i u slucajevima prije zasluzna ISI, Inter-Service Intelligence Service Pakistan), koje su u najmanju ruku receno ispizdile svih i svakoga tko je trebao putovat tih (a i ovih) dana kao i one koji su trebali primiti te putnike (da podsjetim: moze/ne moze u kabinu laptop, mobitel, kljucevi, 'How to drive 747' prirucnik, izuzetno smrdljive carape, whiskey iz duty free, parfemi, mala djeca bez pelena, etc./precrtaj neprikladno!), interesano je razmisljanje u Guardianu dijelom prevedeno, a dijelom na engleskom (link je na dnu)...

Timing najnovije antiterorističke afere bio je duboko politički, a riječ je o propagandi, a ne uroti, piše Guardian. Nisu pronađeni nikakvi eksplozivi, uhićeni nisu imali karte za bilo kakve letove, a neki ni putovnice. Usto, mnogi od uhićenih već su bili pod nadzorom više od godinu dana, kao i tisuće drugih britanskih muslimana. Od više od tisuću dosad uhićenih po antiterorističkim zakonima u Velikoj Britaniji, samo ih je 12 posto optuženo. Od optuženih, samo je 2 posto osuđenih, a i oni nisu osuđeni zbog terorizma. U Pakistanu se može dobiti bilo kakvo priznanje pa pakistanski navodi o terorističkoj uroti nisu relevantni. Ovo bi se prije moglo nazvati uznemiravanjem nezamislivih razmjera, nego pokušajem masovnog ubojstva nezamislivih razmjera, zaključuju u Guardianu...

We will now never know if any of those arrested would have gone on to make a bomb or buy a plane ticket. Most do not fit the "loner" profile you would expect. As they were all under surveillance, and on airport watch lists, there could have been little danger in letting them proceed closer to maturity: that is what we would have done with the IRA.
In all of this, the one thing of which I am certain is that the timing is deeply political. This is more propaganda than plot. More than 1,000 British Muslims have been arrested under anti-terrorist legislation, but only 12% have been charged. That is harassment on an appalling scale. Of those charged, 80% were acquitted. Most of the few convictions - just over 2% of arrests - are nothing to do with terrorism, but some minor offence the police happened upon while trawling through the lives they have wrecked.

Plainly, Islamist terrorism does exist. But its growth is encouraged by our adherence to neocon foreign policy, by our support for appalling regimes abroad, and by our trampling on the rights of Muslims in the UK. Now David Cameron has joined Blair and Reid in the rush to benefit politically from the fear thus engendered. Be very wary of politicians who seek to benefit from terror.

Be sceptical. Be very, very sceptical.

Biljeska o piscu:
· Craig Murray, who was posted to Uzbekistan from 2002 to 2004, is the author of Murder in Samarkand - A British Ambassador's Controversial Defiance of Tyranny in the War on Terror

Jedan od komentara za one koji zele znati malo vise!
Anything that has as its source the Pakistani Inter-Service Intelligence Service (ISI)is extremely suspect. It has the closest relations with the Bush administration and can be expected to cooperate with any requests. During the Democratic Party Convention in the USA, July 2004, the Bush administration made a tremendous brouhaha about an Al Qaida plot to bomb several banks which had ISI as its source. The report then was that someone in the Bush administration had suggested to ISI the dates when it would be helpful if it arrested some important Al Qaida leaders. Nothing ever came of it. Now, ISI seems to be pointing at a different Al Qaeda bomb plot leader every. First, the chief plotter was supposed to be one Abu Hamsa Rabi, supposedly senior head of international operations. Small problem, the man was killed last November or December. Yesterday, it was one al-Libbi, as The Guardian reported. Problem is that the gent has been in U.S. custody since around December 2001. Today it is Zawahiri himself. Plus, the alleged prime suspect, Rauf, was demoted to a "go-between," and the U.K. has not asked for his extradition.

Post je objavljen 20.08.2006. u 18:58 sati.