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Super usrano vrijeme,planovi...

Hey ciao,opet nisam dugo pisala!Ah,šta ćete,kad je lijenost u pitanje...rolleyesKako je vrijeme usrano,to je nešto NEVJEROJATNO!madOvaj mjesec sam jednom bila na moru,uf!nonoIsuse,kako me živcira to vrijeme!U jednom danu prvo sunce pa kratka kišica pa oblačno pa opet kišica...grrrrrr!burninmadOvu subotu (nadam se) idem van.Jooooj,počela sam se dopisivat s nekim likom,a sad bi ga htijela i vidjet,hm,mooožda bude nešto,zapravo,nadam se!Nadam se da ne bude gad ko moj bivši,hm,pokušat ću bit manje osjećajna,pokušat ću da ne izgubim glavu ali...bit će teško!nutA joj,sad sam se sjetila jedne tužne manje od mjesec dana počinje škola!headbangheadbangheadbangKatastrofa,katastrofa ljudi moji!No dobro,počinju mi faliti ljudovi iz razreda!Ovo ljeto sam bila jako vrijedna,pročitala sam čak 4 knjige,a sad ću počet čitata Kosu anđela,to sam cijelo ljeto namjeravala,ali nikako da nađem tu knjigu za kupit.Ovaj mjesec mi je isplaniran do kraja,sve sam isplanirala,di ću bit koj dan i tako.Dobro,idem ja,čitamo se!CIAO!!P.S. Ostavi komentar!Stavit ću riječi od par pjesama.kisswave

Nirvana-Rape me
Rape me
Rape me my friend,
Rape me,
Rape me again.

I'm not the only one

Hate me,
Do it, and do it again.

Waste me,
Rape me, my friend.

My favorite inside source,
I'll kiss your open sores,
Appreciate your concern
You'll always, stink, and burn.

I'm so happy because today
I've found my friends ...
They're in my head
I'm so ugly, but that's okay, cause so are you...
We've broken our mirrors
Sunday morning is everyday for all I care...
And I'm not scared
Light my candles in a daze...
Cause I've found god - hey, hey, hey

I'm so lonely but that's okay I shaved my head...
And I'm not sad
And just maybe I'm to blame for all I've heard...
But I'm not sure
I'm so excited, I can't wait to meet you there...
But I don't care
I'm so horny but that's okay...
My will is good - hey, hey, hey

I like it - I'm not gonna crack
I miss you - I'm not gonna crack
I love you - I'm not gonna crack
I kill you - I'm not gonna crack

Honestly, somehow it always seems that I'm dreamin' of something that I can never be
It doesn't bother to me, 'cause I will always be that pimp that i see
in all of my fantasies
I don't know your fucking name.
So what, let's...
Screaming to be the only way that I can truly be free from my fucked up realities,
so I turn and stroke it harder, 'cause its so fun to see my face staring back at me.
I don't know your fucking name.
So what, let's fuck.
All Day I Dream About Sex
All Day I Dream About fuckin'

Korn-Y'all want a single
Y'all want a single say fuck that
Fuck that, fuck that
Y'all want a single say fuck that
Fuck that, fuck that
Y'all want a single say fuck that
Fuck that, fuck that
Y'all want a single say fuck that
Boom Boom Boom Boom

What's going on today?
We gotta break away
We got a problem and
I think it's going to make us go down

They think we're all the same
And always we're to blame
For shit I think is lame
It's time to stop the game
I think it's time to pay for everything you made me say

Y'all want a single say fuck that (Fuck that)
Fuck that, fuck that (Fuck that) (x4)

What's going on today?
Why must it be this way?
We're going nowhere and
We're still knocking the need to bow down

They think we're all the same
And always we're to blame
For shit I think is lame
It's time to stop the game
I think it's time to pay for everything you made me say

Y'all want a single say fuck that (Fuck that)
Fuck that, fuck that (Fuck that) (x4)

We are the ones breaking you down
We are the hope to drown out your sounds
All across the world you've fed what you found
All across the world you're breaking you down

Y'all want a single say fuck that
Fuck that, fuck that shit! (x4)


Y'all want a single say fuck that
Fuck that, fuck that (x2)

Y'all want a single say fuck that (Fuck that)
Fuck that, fuck that (Fuck that) (x4)

Alice Cooper-Hey Stoopid
Hey bro, take it slow
You ain't livin' in a video
You're flying low with a high velocity
No doubt, you're stressin' out
That ain't what rock n' roll's about
Get off that one way trip down lonely street

Now I know you've been kicked around
You ain't alone in this ugly town
You stick a needle in your arm
You bite the dust, you buy the farm

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey stoopid
What ya tryin' to do
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey stoopid
They win you lose
Hey, hye, hey, hey, hey stoopid

C'mon girl, it's a better day
Get your foot out of that grave
Don't let that one love tear your world apart
C'mon babe, kick that stuff
Show the street it ain't so tough
Quit lyin' around with a crippled, broken heart

Now I know you've been seeing red
Don't put a pistol to your head
sometimes your answer's heaven sent
Your way is so damn permanent


This ain't your daddy talkin'
You know, I know
Your story ain't so shocking
You know, I know
Blow some steam
C'mon and scream


Post je objavljen 09.08.2006. u 19:05 sati.