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Gunse gađali bocama

Ovo sam prepisala iz RTL-ova teletexta.


Axl Rose, vođa zaboravljenih Guns n Roses progovorio je o prošlotjednom koncertu u Newcasteleuna kojem je publika njegov bend zasula bocama. "Nakon što je na pozornicu poletjelo nekoliko boca, upozorili smo publiku i nastavili sa svirkom. Gađanje nije prestalo i morali smo prekinuti nastup", opisuje Axl. Zasad nije poznato čime je nova postava Guns n Roses isprovocirala publiku, pogotovo pošto se radilo o koncertu na kojem se bendu pridružio i bivši član Izzy Stradlin.

A , ovo je sa NEW GNR :

July 25th --- A message from Richard! / Newcastle

To my knowledge, there was never a bottle thrown at the stage while we were on it. ... During Night Train, someone threw a coin and it hit Axl and he stopped us and we walked off. We made an announcement that we weren't going to keep playing if anything else was thrown. Unfortunately, we came back, started the song again and the same thing happened. So we left. ... The press reports that I've read made it sound as though we were bottled and booed off the stage, but as usual they are full of ****. That includes the story about Axl refusing to go on until he got a roast duck dinner. Complete bull****. I know, i was with him. Blatant lies. ... Your emails and all the posts on the websites have really meant a lot. oh yeah, one more thing. Izzy Stradlin is one of the coolest people i've ever had the pleasure of knowing. It's a pleasure to play with him and to hang out with him. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone that has helped make this tour so much fun.

I sada pogledajte snimku ovoga:

Lijepo što im se Izzy pridružio, a za razlog bacanja boca stvarno neznam....P.S. nadam se da razumijete ovaj gore tekst...

Evo snimke sa nastavkom:

Rekao je nakraju:
"how are we gonna do a show for 11000 people when one little cunt is throwing shit at us"... :)

I još neke snimke koncerata:

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Post je objavljen 26.07.2006. u 11:10 sati.