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My wish.

Moje pjesme mozda nisu vrijedne komentara...zapravo, nisu. Mozda sam ogradjena, vokabular mi pati od teskog defekta sto se odabira rijeci tice...

Hm...eto, pokusala sam napisati nesto drugo. Mozda ova zavrijedi komentar?

When the year passes by another
I see the shadows of my past
Dancing around me as the sunset
Invites the most precious night at last

Then I don't have to close mine
So I could see your beautiful eyes
I can just stare at the stars above me
Until the cruel sun will again rise

I want to drown myself in waves
Floating while the depth sorrounds me
Like I get lost inside your hug
Your strong arms that protect me

Wish I could form your words from thin air
Over and over again, without end
Enjoying every single one of them in peace
Like each one is my best friend

My only wish is to have you with me all the time
So I could gaze at those two brown pearls
With your hand in mine, telling all we feel
As the doors behind close, leaving us in our own worlds...

Post je objavljen 23.07.2006. u 10:42 sati.