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poludjet ćuuuuu!!

jel možete vjerovat da sam već probala napisat 3 teme za novi post al jednostavno ne mogu! ovo sunce me ubijaaaaa! ne mogu razmišljat! katastrofa!
uglavnom, svi će mi se pobrat na more..neću imat s kim ić van(šmrrrc!!)..ostat ću doma sunčat se na balkonu!
i to je nešt..
ne daju mi se više pisat neki deep postovi..nisam ufurana !
budem kad me lupi neka inspiracija..
eto..još bi vam nešt napisala al nejde mi baš..
e daaa...3 teksta će mi izać u novinama (jeeeeeeej!!!) nešt...
horoskop mi još uvijek prognozira da ću nekog nać al nikak..jbga! kad neće onda neće!
ma dobro je meni i ovako..
sad vas lijepo pozdravljam uz jedan meni veri najsić pjesmuljak! ;))

good charlotte

I just wanna live

I need an alarm system in my house
So I know when people are creeping about
These people are freaking me out (these days)
It's getting hectic everywhere that I go
They wont leave me alone
There's things they all wanna know

I'm paranoid of all the people I meet
Why are they talking to me?
And why can't anyone see?

I just wanna live
Don't really care about the things that they say
Don't really care about what happens to me
I just wanna live ("just wanna live, just wanna live, just wanna live x2")

I rock a law suit when I'm going to court
A white suit when I'm getting divorced
A black suit at the funeral home
And my birthday suit when I'm home alone
Talking on the phone got an interview
With the Rolling Stone they're saying
"Now you're rich and now you're famous fake ass girls all know your name
And Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous your first hit aren’t you ashamed"
Of the life, of the life, of the life we’re living

I just wanna live
Don't really care about the things that they say
Don't really care about what happens to me
I just wanna live

Stop your messing around boy
Better think of your future
Better make some good plans boy
Said every one of my teachers
Look out better play it safe you'll never know what hard times will come your way
We say where we're coming from
We've already seen the worst that life can bring

Now we get expect it everywhere that we go
All the things that they say
Yeah we already know

I just wanna live
Don't really care about the things that they say
Don't really care about what happens to me
I just wanna live
I just wanna live

i uz sliku koja dokazuje da plavuše nekad stvarno znaju biti -glupe!

pusa od črnkicecerekwave

Post je objavljen 17.07.2006. u 21:23 sati.