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>nema naslova< >ko će ga smišljat<cool

prvo upri play!!!!

odma na pocetku: PROSLA SAAAAAM!!!!! i to s 3!!! na klaviru. yuhu! hvala na podršci smijeh blablabla...
upisala sam se u gimnaziju, tj. predala sam, pa cu se onda valjda upisat.
u ovih 5 dana sam bila i na moru malo boje da se nabaci dead. e zato nisam pisala post prije! joj kako sam nestrpljiva, sutra ce bit rezultati na školi! ma primit ce me!

napokon sam našla da negdje ima skinut comu na ovom internetu. ma ta pjesma je drama, text, melodija, ma kako je to sve axl dočaro,ma svaka mu čast! gotovo cijeli text se sastoji od nekih njegovih dubokih misli. neke dijelove je skroz teško prevest, al kad se udubis text je fenomenalan!
evo samo jedan dio,meni najdrazi u ovoj pjesmi, zadnji dio:

You got a one way ticket on your last chance ride,
Gotta one way ticket to your suicide,
Gotta one way ticket and there's no way out alive,

And all this crass communication that has left you in the cold,
Isn't much for consolation when you feel so weak and old,
But is home is where the heart is then there's stories to be told,
No you don't need a doctor, no one else can heal your soul,

Got your mind in submission, got your life on the line,
But nobody pulled the trigger, they just stepped aside,
They be down by the water while you watch 'em waving goodbye,

They be calling in the morning, they be hanging on the phone
They be waiting for an answer when you know nobody's home,
And when the bell's stopped ringing, it was nobody's fault but your own,

There were always ample warnings, there were always subtle signs,
And you would have seen it coming but we gave you too much time

And when you said that no one's listening, Why'd your best friend drop a dime?,
Sometimes we get so tired of waiting for a way to spend our time,
And it's so easy to be social, it's so easy to be cool,
Yeah, it's easy to be hungry when you ain't got shit to lose,
And I wish that I could help you with what you hope to find,
But I'm still out here waiting, watching re-runs of my life
When you reach the point of breaking know it's gonna take some time,
To heal the broken memories that another man would need just to survive

Post je objavljen 28.06.2006. u 18:05 sati.