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Jump Jump
You should know, you should know that ahhh
Kris Kross is not having anything today
As we stand there totally krossed out
We commence to make you

Jump Jump
The Mac Dad will make you Jump Jump
The Daddy Mac will make you Jump Jump
Kris Kross will make you Jump Jump

Don't try to compare us to another bad little fad
I'm the Mac and I'm bad give you something that you never had
I'll make ya Jump Jump wiggle and shake your rump
Cause I'll be kicking the flavor that makes you wanna Jump
How high? Real high
Cause I'm just so fly
A young loveable, huggable type of guy
And everything is the back with a little slack
And inside-out is wiggida wiggida wack
I come stompin' with somethi' to keep you jumpin'
R&B abd bullcrap is what I'm dumpin'
And ain't something about Kris Kross we all that
So when they ask to the rocks they believe that

Jump Jump
The Mac Dad will make you Jump Jump
The Daddy Mac will make you Jump Jump
Kris Kross will make you Jump Jump
uh huh uh huh
Jump Jump
The Mac Dad will make you Jump Jump
The Daddy Mac will make you Jump Jump
Kris Kross will make you Jump Jump

I let myself knockin' knockin'
I love it when a girl is play jockin' jockin'
The D-A-double D-Y-M-A-C
Ya you know me
I got you jumpin' an' pumpin' an' movin' all around G
In the mix I make ya take a step back
They try to step to the Mac then they got jacked
To the back you'll be sportin' the gear that's coincidental
And like you knowit so don't be claiming that it's mental

Two lil' kids with a flow you ain't ever heard
And none faking you can understand every word
As you listen to my cool school melody
The Daddy makes you J-U-M-P

Jump Jump
The Mac Dad will make you Jump Jump
The Daddy Mac will make you Jump Jump
Kris Kross will make you Jump Jump
uh huh uh huh
Jump Jump
The Mac Dad will make you Jump Jump
The Daddy Mac will make you Jump Jump
Kris Kross will make you Jump Jump

Now, the formalities of this and that
Is that Kris Kross ain't comin' off wack
And for all ya'll sucks that don't know
Check it out

Some of them try to rhyme but they can't rhyme like this Go Go
Some of them try to rhyme but they can't rhyme like this Go Go
Some of them try to rhyme but they can't rhyme like this Go Go
Some of them try to rhyme but they can't Go Go
Cause I'm the miggida miggida miggida Mac Daddy
Miggida miggida miggida Mac
Cause I'm the miggida miggida miggida Mac Daddy
Miggida, miggida miggida mac
I make you wanna
Jump Jump
The Mac Dad will make you Jump Jump
The Daddy Mac will make you Jump Jump
Kris Kross will make you Jump Jump
uh huh uh huh (repeat 3 more times)
Believe dat

Neki se možda i sjećaju Kriss Krossa i njiihovih naopačke zakopčanih rifli (=traperica) i majci! Bili su fora! Dapače znam šta se desilo s njima..di su nestali al dobro..možda netko od vas to i zna!wink Ja ne znam..

Nego..večeras je bila tako neka ..mirna noć i nije mi se dalo ništa..ipak ja sam lijeno prasecerek Upalila sam svoju Vivu i gledala spotove! To mi je još jedna od opsesija! Znam i po cijele noći gledati spotove..he he smijeh
Nego..onda se odvrtio spot od Kriss Krossa..i JUMP! Svi ste čuli Jump bar jednom..a mene je eto taj melodični Jump podsjetio na jednog prijatelja kojeg sam davno, rekli bi, izgubila! Bilo je to davno..zima..i nitko to nije očekivao..nisam ni ja...i sad kad se sjetim..lako me rastuži! Moj prijetelj L. se sa svojih 16 ubio!eek Bio je to šok za samo reć..on je o svojoj sudbini odlučio..i to moram poštovati! Najradije bi se sad vratila u prošlost i ..promijenila sve..jer je bio super čovjek! A taj Kriss Kross me totalno podsjetio na sve! Na njega koji ih je sluš sve! Sve ludosti! A onda opet..danas je 25.ti i danas bi L.-u bilo 25! Sigurno bi slavio i radio bi glomaznu feštu..a mi bi svi skakali(=jump?) i pili eto..malo nakon njegove smrti je taj dan proglašen praznikom i drago mi je zbog toga..jer me tako podsjeća na čovjeka kojeg nema..i umjesto da tugujem..sjetim se sa nekim poštovanjem da on to nebi htio!

A sad.. SVIMA Sretan Dan Državnosti!!!!!!!mah

Nema tuge..stvarnost je..osmijehom treba krenuti dalje! party

Post je objavljen 25.06.2006. u 00:56 sati.