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Noone knows...

Nitko ne zna puno stvari:
onak, kada se zapitamo: tko zna šta i tko je u toku sa čim...ispostavi se da smo svi pomješani...znate ono kad susretnete ljude negdje gdje niste očekivali, kad se na nekim razinama s nekim ljudima spojite...i nikako vam nije jasno...
Spavanje, nespavanje - vlastiti izbor.
Ovaj vikend - izabirem nespavanje. Manje ću jest, izgledat ću bolje (ne biste vjerovali kako nakon neprospavane noči oči cakle a usne su rumene) i onda...
Jebeni punk-rock kojem se toliko veselim ko prase..g,d,c akordi...i ono veselje ...
I ono, ima da izgubim glas pjevajući stihove:

Anything is what she is
Anywhere is where she's from
Anything is what she'll be
Anything as long as it's mine
And the door, it opens, is the way back in
Or is it, the way back out

Any place is where she'll be
Any place, she'll see you from
Lies and secrets become your world
Any time, anywhere, she takes me away
And death climbs up the steps one by one
To give you the rose
That's been burnt by her sun

Point me to the sky above
I can't get there on my own
Walk me to the graveyard
Dig up her bones

I have seen the demon's face
I have heard of her death place
I fall down on my knees in praise of the
Horrible things that took her away
And death climbs up the steps one by one
To give you the rose
That's been burnt by her sun

Point me to the sky above
I can't get there on my own
Walk me to the graveyard
Dig up her bones

Point me to the sky above
I can't get there on my own
Walk me to the graveyard
Dig up her bones

Eh da....
Jedva čekam...
A onda...tko zna...

Post je objavljen 10.06.2006. u 04:21 sati.