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Munib Suljić u "Istrazi" Roberta Valdeca i Andreja Rore

Spremaju li Robert Valdec i Andrej Rora exkluzivni prilog o uhićenju Muniba Suljića?

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Više o Valdecovom prijateljstvu sa Suljićem:

In autumn 2004., after the text about possible helpers of deserted Gotovina, and in which was emphasized that one of them was Ante Zoni Maksan, who often advertising in medias his security firm, Peratovic got a phone call in editorial office of Vjesnik from Robert Valdec, journalist who cooperated closely with Maksan. The conversation was very short and Peratovic only understood that Valdec called him, with message that he was in some cafe2 with some friend and the line disconnected. The next day in Zagreb on crossroads of Savska cesta and Slavonska avenija he accidentaly met with Munib Suljic, who said through opened window of the car to Peratovic: Where are you, pig!?

Munib Suljic was sentenced to prison for five months because of physical threats to Peratovic. As Munib Suljic, except for attack on Peratovic in 1999, in public was mentioned as a participator in murder of family Zec, and as he was one of accused on current trial on County court in Zagreb for events in Pakracka poljana in 1991, Peratovic was very scared. (attachement 2).

After several days, Peratovic was informed by a colleague in Vjesnik, Marin Deskovic, that Robert Valdec wanted to engage Munib Suljic to sort things out with Peratovic, but at the end Suljic gave up that plan. That information was confirmed to Peratovic by Anri Paravic, editor in section Black chronicle in Jutarnji list, who said that he was sitting at the table with Valdec and Suljic when Valdec was persuading Suljic to beat up Peratovic. Paravic said to Peratovic that he was protecting him and that he was talking out Valdec and Suljic from that plan, in which he succeeded in 4:00 in the morning, when they split up.


Peratovic with this event informed the main editor of Vjesnik, Andrea Latinovic, who thought those were privat things between Peratovic and Valdec, what was't the truth, what so ever, because Peratovic was the journalist in Vjesnik. The main editor, didn't not only protect Peratovic as a journalist in Vjesnik, but she immediatelly engaged Valdec in cooperation with editorship of Vjesnik, confiding him, among other things, writing on theme which till then was Peratovic's job: safety services.

45 lines (international), To Mladen Bajic , Friday, June 03, 2005


Nadalje, Suljić je teško bolestan (navodno ima šećernu bolest i vodu u plućima) i u bijegu mu je teško, ili gotovo nemoguće, osigurati skupe liječničke tretmane.

Suradnjom s tužiteljstvom možda bi se mogao nagoditi oko smanjenja 12-godišnje zatvorske kazne, a osigurao bi si i liječenje. S obzirom na situaciju u kojoj se nalazi, sve su to vrlo vrijedni razlozi zbog kojih bi napokon mogao posvjedočiti o Merčepovoj ulozi u zločinima koje je činila njegova postrojba.

Ivanka Toma, Željko Petrušić,, 06.06.2006 18:26

Munib Suljić se ne može s tužiteljstvom nagoditi oko smanjenja kazne za ubojstvo Aleksandra Saše Antića jer je presuda Vrhovnog suda pravomoćna. Suljić se s Mladenom Bajićem eventualno dogovara oko pokajničkog statusa vezano za druge ratne zločine koje je počinio u Pakračkoj poljani, gdje bi terećenjem Tomislava Merčepa kao naredbodavca isposlovao sebi manju kaznu, ponavljam, za ta nedjela, a ne za ubojstvo Saše Antića za koje je odlukom Vrhovnog suda pravomoćno osuđen. Moguće je da Munib Suljić od predsjednika RH Stjepana Mesića, slično Stjepanu Grandiću, zatraži pomilovanje, pa bi Državno odvjetništvo u toj situaciji moglo dati pozitivno mišljenje, ali to je opet drugačija situacija od one koju su opisali Ivanka Toma i Željko Petrušić.


Post je objavljen 07.06.2006. u 09:41 sati.