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RAGEI watch them as they fall,
My tears of rage,
I build higher my wall,
As I write upon this page,
Towering resentment…hate,
Can't understand why you were unjust,
When you realize…too late,
My wall will be built of steel, it will not rust,
Then you know I won't care, won't feel,
A feeling will consume you…grief,
When you finally understand that I won't heal,
No more reprieve, no more relief,
Just a black empty void that nothing can fill,
I'll try to replace emotions with negative things,
How bout a smoke, how bout a pill?
I'll try anything to fly away on swift wings,

You thought you had it bad,
Japing' and jiping' you're driving me mad,
If you continue it's gonna get worse,
Can't run away from you it's such a curse,

Can't run, can't hide,
From the anger inside,
Can't leave, can't stay,
Can't choose my own way,
Can't stop hearing voices inside my head,
Can't stop thinking bout what I should have said,
Can't keep the anger locked up anymore,
Now it's into my very core,
Much a part of me as my life,
Nothing can part it from me, not even a knife,

When I lie six feet under ground,
You'll cry and lament that I was never found,
Not by God, not by people,
I'll have no one who'll build me a steeple,

I know that hell is almost full,
But there is a place for me there,
It's only fair,
That when I'm dead,
Heavy as lead,
I get to finally run away,
Get to finally choose my own path, my own way,

I've always been the black sheep,
I always ran when I should have leaped,
Now I sit all alone,
Delighting in privacy all my own,
You never listened, never cared,
When I told you I was scared,
You always left, and never tried,
And again and again I cried,
Tears of anger and of rage,
As I was trapped in this cage,
Tears of bitterness and loneliness,
Which I'll continue to shed, until I'm finally laid to rest,

And while I live and you look at me,
Oh, what horrors you will see,
And I know exactly what you'll say,
She let herself go to waste,
Let me correct you if I may,
What destroyed me was my haste,
To grow up and be old enough to leave,
To be able my own destiny to weave,
Now as I stand forsaken, Lost,
I don't care about the cost,
I'll prove my point get it across,
Before I'm buried beneath the cross,
Keep these words of warning in mind,
Do not be surprised at what you will find,
When you look a little closer at me,
Do not be surprised by what you will see…..

Post je objavljen 21.05.2006. u 21:28 sati.