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Its not fair

Znam da malo ide preveč pjesmi iz mene u zadnje vreme al ima očito trenutaka koji me nadahnjuju za pisanje...mislim da ova pjesma je posvečena svima koji su doživeli nepravdu u svojim životima...a za one koji kojim slučajem nisu imam samo jedno: budete i vi bez brige!!!life is not fair!

Its not fair

This life is so beautiful,
You cant believe that it is real...
Only good feelings for us to feel...

Sometimes it plays so cruel...
and we are so badly hurt...
we cannot even think...
its getting dark and no pink...

This shit gets so unfair
and it gets so hard to bare...
But some people dont care...

This fucking world
Its going nowhere...
And that is why...
It is so unfair...

Lyrics by Maithreya
All rights reserved...

Post je objavljen 09.05.2006. u 19:05 sati.