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Da ja, biće sa najboljim ukusom u svemu ću vam sada preporučiti sljedeće komedije za gledati. U posljednje vrijeme ima jako puno trash komedija, sljedeći su primjerci klasici...

The Big Lebowski-Film o Jeff Lebowskom(Jeff Birdges)- hipiju i niškoristu, takozvanom The Dude, kojeg zamjene za multimilijardera Lebowskog pa ga napadnu u stanu i unište njegov sag. Dude se sprema otkriti cijeli slučaj uz pomoć svojih kompića Wlatera(John Goodman) - židova koji je bio u Vijetnamu i Donnya(Steve Buscemi). Fantastična gluma i priča.Dijalozi su genijalni.


The Dude: Also, my rug was stolen.
Younger Cop: The rug was in the car?
The Dude: No. It was here.
Younger Cop: [eager] Oh, separate incidents.
Maude Lebowski: [on answering machine] Jeffrey, this is Maude Lebowski. I need to see you. I'm the one who took your rug.
Younger Cop: Well. I guess we can close the books on that one.

Snatch- Svi koji nisu gledali ovu krimi/komediju Guya Ritchiea neka se pokopaju. Uspio je skupiti enijalnu glumačku i ekipu, i napraviti jednu od najboljih komedija ikad. Ovdje će te naći sve, od korumpiranih kladioničara, pasa koji žderu dijamante, rusa koji se izmiču mecima do cigana koji na kraju sve zajebu.


Gorgeous George: Get back down or you will not be coming up next time.
[watches as Mickey warms up]
Gorgeous George: Oh, bollocks to you. This is sick. I'm out of here.
Mickey: You're not going anywhere, you thick lump.
[Pulls off his shirt]
Mickey: You stay until the job's done.
[kisses his good luck charms and knocks Gorgeous out with a single punch]
Turkish: [narrating] It turned out that the sweet-talking, tattoo-sporting pikey was a gypsy bare-knuckle boxing champion. Which makes him harder than a coffin nail. Right now that's the last thing on Tommy's mind. If Gorgeous doesn't wake up in the next few minutes Tommy knows he'll be buried with him. Why would the gypsies go through the trouble explaining why a man died in their campsite? Not when they can bury the pair of them and just move camp. It's not like they got social security numbers, is it? Tommy - the tit - is praying. And if he isn't he fucking should be.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail-Pythonovci, što drugo reći. Napraviti ovako genijalan film sa tako malim budgetom je teško. Parodija na kralja Artura i njegove vitezove.


Minstrel: [singing] Bravely bold Sir Robin rode forth from Camelot. He was not afraid to die, oh brave Sir Robin. He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways, brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Robin. He was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp, or to have his eyes gouged out, and his elbows broken. To have his kneecap split, and his body burned away, and his limbs all hacked and mangled, brave Sir Robin. His head smashed in and heart cut out, and his liver removed, and his bowels unplugged, and his nostrils raped and his bottom burned off and his penis split...
Sir Robin: That's enough singing for now, lads... looks like there's dirty work afoot.

Volim te do smrti(I love you to death)-vrhunska crna komedija. Rosalie je oženjena za Joeya, pa poludi kad sazna da ju vara. Keanu Reeves glumi narkomana Marlona, uloga života.


Marlon: If we keep shooting Joey, don't you think he might get suspicious?

Post je objavljen 30.04.2006. u 13:47 sati.