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Image Hosted by YAs the Christians of the earth believe in the final judgment of mankind, so Do I believe in the Judgment Day of the underground.
I believe there will come a day when each and every raver of the earth shall face their judgment.
Before entering the Golden Gates of Euphoria, each and every raver shall fall to their knees in fear and awe of the uniting Force that is Music.
And the music will ask...
My child did you know me?
Or did you mockingly just recite my lyrics?
And the music will ask...
My child did you dance?
Or were you still as if heavy stones were in your shoes...thus not grooving?
And the music will ask...
My child were you faithful?
Or were you easily swayed into the mainstream river of sin?
And the Music will ask...
My Child did you support your DJ's whom I sent to show you the way?
Or did you bash their playing with an unclean tongue?
And the music will ask...
My child did your heart pound to my beat?
Or was it slowed by the hate that taints the scene?
And the music will ask...
My child did you use the drugs to uplift me?
Or did you abuse them to the point where you were motionless?
And lastly my child did you love your family as if by blood?
Or did you drown in the drama and cause hurt to your scene?
And the raver shall answer all of the above honestly for the music knows the truth.
And if the answers are the good of the two the golden gates will open and the eyes will be delighted at the sight of an enormous city with not walls made of stone but towering speakers larger than mountains encrusted with Gold and rubies and emeralds, and pounding with a number of watts unthinkable to man. And the dance floors are so inviting as they are made of pearl and call to your feet, and the sound is Crystal clear as it never stops.
This party never ends as it's attendants never grow tired, and their thirsts are quenched by a cold sparkling river who's water runs free and untainted, and the glowsticks never die as the night sky is always dark with thousands of silver stars and no sun will rise to cancel it in all it's glory. And the DJ's all wear halos as they bring the music which brings the vibe that fills each raver with peace and love and respect for one another, for those are the elements that make this party eternal.
And all those who fall short of the glory of the music will be sentenced to the world where the music will no longer be heard and the people will no longer dance.

et owo sam nashla negdje na netu i narawno morala sam to stawit na swoj blogach wink prochitajte to ak niste do sad, jako je zanimljiwo yes barem meni... hihi wink
nego, da krenemo mi dalje jel... ja danas bila ujutro u shkoli... aha, idem u shkolu chak i subotom burninmad imamo manjka sati pa smo kao nesht odradjiwali... ajde prezhiwjela sam ja i to... imali smo samo tri sata s tim da sam jedan sat chak i test pisala i to iz statistike da isprawim komad jel, i tina isto... ajde, waljd che bit pozitiwno i meni i njoj, drzh'te nam fige rolleyes nego, dogowaramo se mi u razredu neki dan kao shta che nam pisat na majici za zadnji dan, kakwe che boje bit i tak... i nemosh' wjerowat, uspjeli smo se napokon dogoworit yes inache, nama treba sto godina... buahahahaaa smijeh i bili danas poslije shkole maltene pola razreda na kawi... ah, shto smo se smijali... la la laaaaaaa rofl i doshla ja chiku, jela i ajmo kod tine smijeh bila kod nje swe do sad... pile kawu, prisjechale se starih dana i umirale od smijeha... koja je to ludjakinja rofl i onda ajd shta chemo i otishle se wozat mal autom (polozhila je proshle godine u 5. mjesecu) i kad smo sjele u auto opizdile smo se smijat ko dwije budale rofl bez razloga... a dobro wozi yes tak smo mal jurcale po gradu i bile do emezzete i onda se wratile kod nje i popile josh jednu kawu nut pushile njene motane cigare i tak prichale josh i onda me otpratila malo i et mene sad tu smijeh
neznam dal da idem danas wan... jer sutra je prwi maj, idem na priwatni party, juuuhhuu thumbup bit che swegaaaaa... sad mi se spawa i najradje ne bi nikud ishla, al znam da chu na kraju izach... tak to kod mene ide, swe u zadnji tren... a ne bi ja bila ja... wink dogowaramo se nesht da u 7. mjesecu idemo u gardaland (ja, tina i josh njih par), kao 400 kn, ono cijeli dan... ja bi narawno ishla, wech sam bila tamo kad smo ishli na maturalac jel... al widjet chemo jer najwjerowatnije idem u nowalju u 7. mjesecu rofl ma stignem ja i u gardaland i u nowalju i di god... swe ja stignem... buahahahahaaaa nut idem malo odspawat sad jer sam se ujutro probudila u pola 7 a ak idem wan treba mi snage jel nut al i ak budem ishla wan idem na nesht malo, kratko... a ha, znam kak to inache bude ''kratko'' rolleyes ajde uzhiwajte mi za prwi maj, pazite na sebe i nemojte pretjeriwat u nichemu nut pa se chujemo poslije weekenda s nowim dozhiwljajima jel smijeh aaaa, shto mi je fora owa slika ispod rofl buahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa nut
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Post je objavljen 29.04.2006. u 16:31 sati.