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D E A D...

Prije 15 godina 12.04.1991. ubio se vokalist mayhema Dead, pravim imenom Per Yngve Ohlin.Rodom svedanin neznam ni sam kako je dospio u norvesku ali pridruzio se MayheMu 1988. malo prije Hellhammera.Poceo je sa death black bandom Morbid, a u MayheM je dosao poslje snimanja Deathcrusha nakon sto je Maniac odustao od banda.Mnogi smatraju da je bio sizofrenicar, iako ga je puno ljudi poznavalo smatra se da je bio pravi prijatelj sa Necrobutcherom-bassistom mayhema. Evo sto neki ljudi govore o njemu, iz prve ruke:
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"He was a very strange personality. He was from Sweden, the old vocalist in a band called Morbid...some of the guys play in the shit band Entombed now. But he was an okay guy, a very nice fellow, but a bit melancholic and depressive."
"...He was far away from Sweden and didn’t know anyone because he wasn’t the kind of fellow who could get in touch with people very easily. He just sat in his room and became more and more depressed, and there was a lot of fighting [with Euronymous]."


Za njegovo psihicko stanje odgovoran je dogadaj koj mu se u djetinjstvu dogodio i koji mu je od tad oblikovao zivot, i to tako da da je za sebe tvrdio da je napola ziv i nekad se ponasao u skladu s tim osobito se to vidi u glazbi i stage actu

"He was a very special person, a good friend. Very shy, very quiet. He didn’t talk to many people. He stuck to himself and a few people he knew...Dead had extreme views about everything: he talked about being non-human, not belonging on earth. He told me stories that he was almost dying when he was a kid, because he was sleeping so deeply and his face turned blue, and he wanted to die when he was only two or three years old. They couldn’t wake him when he was sleeping; I think it was something between deep sleep and unconsciousness."

Kako rekoh smatrao se mrtvim.Tesko je sklapao prijateljstva, bio je daleko od obitelji, osoba koja se slucajno nasla u vrtlogu rane black metal scene, nesiguran, u biti sramezljiv i u neku ruku pretjerano osjecajan pise lyricse koji flertiraju sa smrcu, bio je naglaseno depresivan i melankolican.Evo jedan dio iz lyricsa pjesme LIFE ETERNAL sa De Mysteriisa:

"I am a mortal, but am I human?
How beautiful life is now when my time has come
A human destiny, but nothing human inside
What will be left of me when I'm dead?
There was nothing when I lived
What you found was eternal death
No one will ever miss you"

Prema svemu se odnosio extremo , osobito prma onome sto ga je zivciralo a to su macke i glazba koja nije black ili death,a toga se rijesavao na bolesne nacine.Mrzio je sve sto mu nije pasalo, naizgled ludak, brutalan, ali ipak oni koji su ga poznavali tvrde da je bio dobra osoba

"He hated cats. I remember one night he was trying to sleep. A cat was outside his apartment, so he ran outside with a big knife to get the cat. The cat ran into a shed and he went after it. Then you heard lots of noise, and screaming, and there was a hole in the shed where the cat came out again, and Dead ran after it with his big knife, screaming, hunting the cat, only dressed in his underwear. That was his idea of how to deal with a cat."

"...One time Euronymous was playing some synth music that Dead hated, so he just took his pillow outside, to go sleep in the woods, and after awhile Euronymous went out with a shotgun to shoot some birds or something and Dead was upset because he couldn’t sleep out in the woods either because Euronymous was there too, making noises."

Stage act je bio naravno corpse paint (stvaranje mrtvog od sebe) rezanje, uveo je neke brutalnosti poput svinjskih i inih drugih glava, a htio je imati slike karpata,transilvanije, donjeti trulo drvece i ostale fantazije, a na gotovo svim gazama 4djelni band je jedva stao na pozornicu.Tjekom jedne gaze toliko se izrezao da je zavrsio na Hitnoj zbog gubitka krvi, tjekom kratke turneje po njemackoj cinimi se nasao je mrtvu vranu u parku te je spremio u vrecicu i snifao je prije koncerta kako bi "osjetio dah smrti"...Odjecu je zakapao u zemlju kako bi istrunula , cak je napravio majcu od osmrtnica...

There's always some fuckheads that do not understand what it's all about and cannot stand others that are there for the music and the problem is at almost every concert not depending of what band is playing I think. If someone's diving or something there's often some asshole who cannot see what that is and then wanna start up a fight of that reason. Idiots that go to concerts only to throw bottles and destroy for both the band the crowd shouldn't be there. We haven't had many liveshows and that one we could have those "effects" there were many into Speedmetla and glam-fag-rock and they left as soon as the pigheads begun to fly around in there..

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Zasto se ubio nije sasvim jasno ali svi to pripisuju njegovom mentalnm stanju, i kazu da je bilo ocekivano.Neki govore kako ga je Euronymus dodatno maltretirao, ali to ocito necemo doznati.Nakon smrti ga je fotografirao Euronymus koji je i navodno pojeo dio njegovog mozga.Komade lubanje koji su ostali u sobu Hellhammer i Euronymus objesili su na ogrlice i poslali nekom bandovima za koje je ^euro smatrao dostojnima da je imaju.
Dead si je prvo prerezao zile no viio je da je to presporo za njega te je uzeo pusku i metke koje im je za bozic poslao Varg Vikernes te se ubio s njom.Na sebi je nosio majcu
I LOVE TRANSILAVNIA, a poruka koju je ostavio bila je "Excuse all the blood" iako Hellhammer tvrdi da je bilo jos nesto.Takoder kaze da je nekoliko dana nakon samoubojstva usao u njegovu sobu i skoro se izbljuvao od smrada...niko nije luftao a komadi mozga su jos bili u sobi, tjednima kasnije nalazili su ostatke lubanje...evo slike

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Mnogi ga smatraju bogom BM-a, neki ga (iskreno) precjenjuju, za mene je vrlo zanimljiva osoba, mozda jedini koji je zaista zivio ono sto je govorio.Za kraj ostavljam jedan lyrics na koji se uvijek vracam.

From The Dark Past
A face in stone...decayed by age
A man who has returned to tell of his damnation
Fears so deep, the mouth open wide
The dream died away before dawn of this time
The eyes - stares so empty
The mouth - screams so silent
Tell me - what did you see there
In the darkness - of the past
Ancient times legends stories so dark
Blackened his sight now
Not even the memories are left
Back after such a long time
The stone is cold as death
But what formed its true fears
Only the wind is able to tell

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Diabolic shapes float by
Out from the dark
I remember it was here I died
By following the freezing moon

Post je objavljen 11.04.2006. u 18:50 sati.