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Shvatio sam napokon neke stvari. Doživio sam na neki način prosvjetljenje ... Vjerojatno sam ja to znao i prije,
ali valjda mi je tek sada došlo do glave ... I koliko se god ja trudio pobjeći od svega ne uspijeva mi ... poput sjene ...
crnog oblaka prati me ... i sad napokon znam da će me to pratiti do kraja života.
Htio sam biti drugačiji i sad sam otišao i ne znam se vratiti ... niti nikada neću ... zatvorio sam se u svoj svijet ... ugasio svjetlo
i ne vidim izlaz ... mislim da izlaza ni nema ... I na neki način ni ne želim izaći jer kad vidim sve oko sebe ... ne želim ... ali to me ubija ..
polako, ali sigurno ... Znam napokon da se neke stvari neće nikada dogoditi ... shvatio sam ... i očekivanja više nemam ... nikakvih ...
I polako odlazim ... još više ... i ne znam kako ostati .. sve se oko mene ruši, a ja ne znam kako to spriječiti ...

Najrađe bi se pokupio negdje da budem sam. Shvatio sam ... da .. sve što mrzim ... vrti se oko mene .. i trebate se odmaknuti ... jer ću puknuti ... uskoro ... i vidjeti ćete mene, a ovo prosvijetljenje je samo prvi korak prema tome ...

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BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE: "All these things I hate"

Once more I'll say goodbye to you
Things happen, but we don't really know why
If it's supposed to be like this
Why do most of us ignore the chance to miss?
Oh yeah

Torn apart at the seams and my dreams turn to tears
I'm not feeling this situation
Run away try to find a safe place you can hide
The best place to be when you're feeling like

Me! (Me)
Yeah! (Yeah)
All these things I hate revolve around
Me (Me)
Yeah! (Yeah)
Just back up before I snap

Once more you tell those lies to me
Why can't you just be straight up with honesty?
When you say those things in my ear
Why do you always tell me what you wanna hear?
Oh yeah (yeah!)

Wear your heart on your sleeve, make things hard to believe
I'm not feeling this situation
Run away try to find a safe place you can hide
It's the best place to be when you're feeling like

Me! (Me!)
Yeah! (Yeah!)
All these things I hate revolve around
Me! (Me!)
Yeah! (Yeah!)
Just back up before I snap and you'll
See! (Me!)
Me! (Me!)
All these things I hate revolve around
Me! (Me!)
Yeah! (Yeah!)
Just back up before I snap

Torn apart at the seams and my dreams turn to tears
I'm not feeling this situation
Run away try to find a safe place you can hide
It's the best place to be when you're feeling like me
(it's the best place to be when you're!)

Me! (Me!)
Yeah! (Yeah!)
All these things I hate revolve around
Me! (Me!)
Yeah! (Yeah!)
Just back up before I snap and you'll
See! (Me!)
Me! (Me!)
All these things I hate revolve around
Me! (Me!)
Yeah! (Yeah!)
Just back up before I snap

Post je objavljen 09.04.2006. u 20:54 sati.