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Strah "BLOGA"

Blog kao Bog. Ljudi ga se boje. Uprava ga se boji.

Eto prilike. Blog je naš glas. Boje ga se ljudi na položaju. Eh ima puno razloga zašto, jer mi imamo GLAS.
Nismo više nečujan vjetar koji ulazi na jednu stranu ljudske glave a izlazi na drugu. Ovdje ljudi vide SVE.
Nema više privatnosti... nema više šaputanja i straha :D.
Čujem da nešto u novinama i na teveu i po školama govore protiv bloga, vjerojatno nas pokušavaju ušutkati. KUKULELE MI SE NEDAMO.
Njet kužim, ljudski strah, taj lijepi faktor.
Kako to lijepo mogu bolesne britanske triler serije prikazat. Ako je netko bolestan to su oni :D.

Al mene je dojmila jedna stvar, zašto se čovjek pri strahu uvijek uvlači u kut? Zar traži materijalnu stabilnost oko sebe? Eh kako će onda biti siguran ako se boji i malo slova na ekranu.
Mala slova koja mogu mjenjat povijest.
Da svaka riječ koju ja sada pišem, svaka rečenica, može nekome promjeniti smjer života i možda baš on napravi ono "nešto" što će promjeniti cijeli svijet na bolje, ali i na gore (gulp).

"The First Drop"

I’m calling out
Only echoes respond
But I scream ‘til my voice is gone
Crouching in corners and hiding your face
I’m sick and tired of playing your games

I’m not alone
I stand amongst the voiceless
Millions in the unforgiving sun

Here arm-in-arm
We parade these streets
And sing our songs (and sing our songs)

We’ve had enough
Is there even anything left to explain? (We’ve had enough)
Am I really someone you need to restrain? (We’ve had enough)
Can’t you listen to what we have to say? (We’ve had enough)

Unknowing, we lie and wait for the rain
To wash away what they have made
Face down in the dirt with your foot on my back
In the distance I hear thunder crack

C'mon Stand up !
This system of power and privilege is about to come to an end
Here come the clouds
The first drop is falling down (falling down)

We’ve had enough
Is there even anything left to explain? (We’ve had enough)
Am I really someone you need to restrain? (We’ve had enough)
Can’t you listen to what we have to say? (We’ve had enough)

Our futures burn in red horizons
Ashes scattered in winds of change
Casualty numbers are rising
Now it’s time to raise the stakes

We’re meant for something more than living just to put food on our plates
I can’t help but wonder--why should we participate?

We’ve had enough
Is there even anything left to explain? (We’ve had enough)
Am I really someone you need to restrain? (We’ve had enough)
Can’t you listen to what we have to say? (We’ve had enough)

Eh kako bi to lijepo bilo kada bi smo bili svi skupa. A ne da oni "manje vrijedni" i "manje pametni" stoje sa strane. Preobratiti? Može. Ako ne žele? E pa onda odjebati skupa s onime protiv čega se borimo.

Otvorite oči mladi.
Spremite se. Revolucija dolazi.

Post je objavljen 16.03.2006. u 23:42 sati.