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"Even flow, thoughts arrive like butterflies"

Mislim ono...napišem ja post, a na kraju ga slučajno zbrišem!!! How smart is that?

Izgleda da ću morat ponovo...a jebi ga, kaj ćeš...

Dakle... Stari mi je kupio 2 kineska hrčka jer je rekao da nemam društveni život i da misli da bi to hrčci mogli nadoknadit (WTF?!?)...LoL, sad sam ponosni vlasnik 2 hrčka (oba dva su muška, lik u Pet Shopu se zakleo...a i vidi se, hm, dolje da jesu muškog roda [samo bi mi falilo da dobiju još mlade jebote]) koji nemaju još imena...Imate li kakvu ideju???? Javite mi ak imate!!!
Mislim, smiješne su te životinje...baš su nekak mali i stalno seru (pogotovo kad ih primim) i eto. Dobro je to kaj ne grizu (previše)...
..evo neke slike koje sam našao na internetu, otprilike izgledaju isto ovako (jedan je bijelji, a drugi više sivi):

Malo sam razmiš ja na Highwayevom blogu i čitao da si je htio kupit crvene starke, al nije bilo broja...nije si ih kupio, al zato je reko da sad šminkeri furaju starke i da one više nisu ono kaj su nekad bile... Pa to donekle i je istina...ali kaj sad? Mislim, nek šminkići furaju kaj god hoće, važno je da se mi dobro osjećamo u onom kaj nosimo...i nije važno koliko ljudi fura neku stvar, jer 100 ljudi može na 100 načina isfurat jednu tenisicu (u ovom slučaju starke)...Recimo, moje starke su strgane, crne i ispisane nazivima bendova. Starke od moje frendice, rockerice su crvene s crnim vezicama, starke od neke šminkerice na ulici su roze s cvjetićima....Kužite? Vi možete nosit jedno te istu stvar (marku) na potpuno drugačiji način. Starke su sad možda moderne, al sve što je moderno ne traje dugo (koliko se ja razumijem). Tako da nemojte ne nosit starke samo zato što ih trenutno nose i šminkeri...jer vi niste poput njih i furate ih na totalno drukčiji način od njih. Neki. U svakom slučaju, nek svatko nosi ono kaj god hoće i voli i u čem se osjeća ugodno, bez obzira na to bilo to moderno, isfurano...

Evo našao sam na nekoj web stranici o panku nekaj o se ne slažem s nekim engleskom je btw

"There's no shortage of people wanting to claim punk as their own so here's an attempt to trace its roots. You'll meet some surprising people, weird bands, scary people and probably disagree with a lot of what I say but do I care ? Do I f**k ! Coz this basically is a chance for me to present some of the music that I love listening to and sometimes take the piss. Its also an attempt to put the UK punk scene in some sort of context instead of just an isolated style.

Music can be beautiful, music can be throw away.. the stuff we sing in showers. It can be dancey and be so positive. I like all that but like a lot of others I'm drawn to the negative possibilities of rock'n'roll. I'm drawn to the Nihilism and iconoclasm of rock. Big words but what do they mean ? Iconoclasm is the desire to smash all that's gone before and kill your idols and Nihilism is the rejection of current moral and established beliefs without offering or seeking solutions to change it. Its the domain of the young who hope to die before they get old. In short its saying 'f**k you!' which we have all done at some time. As we look down the last 50 years all the good bands have embraced nihilism and still do. It links the Who to The Pistols to Nirvana. From My Generation to Pretty Vacant to Smells Like Teen Spirit the leap ain't that great. And why should they offer solutions ? The world will never change from a song. As Rotten once sang ..."Anger is an energy"... All these great songs by these bands have been simple, direct and infused with for want of a better phrase 'teen spirit'. Its why these bands live on because when you first pick up a guitar these are the songs you can play quickly and identify with. You try playing along to Zeppelins 'Achilles Last Stand' maaaaaan !!!!!

No matter how angry or politicised you are though its the music that's counts and trouble always comes when people confuse music and politics or try and read too much into a band and its output (hi Charlie Manson to name but one). Nearly every band in the world has just wanted one thing and that is to make music and music needs at least one listener whether to hate it or like it (even these arty bands). The artist is stuck really. Bands want in varying amounts the following: to make records that sell, fame and fortune, a career, to mean something, to be recognised, drugs and women and a rock star lifestyle. Often when they get it they implode ( Sid Vicious, Kurt Cobain) or struggle to come to terms (The Who), or make a career (Stones) pass out of view as fashions change (Stranglers), change direction (U2) realise they have nothing more to offer (Eater) or go too far (Hendrix, Brian Jones ad infinitum)

The problem most bands have found however is that you can only be angry for so long and what do you do afterwards before you become boring. The best bands have been short and sweet and then f****d off. Its hard being a rebel inside the machine. If you want to get your message across then you have to be in the machine and you have to play the game and the game changes all the time...Who's controlling who ? McLaren's incendiary publicity techniques are now part of the publicists armoury. You can't be a rebel and win... I'm sorry to say. You can win little battles but you still need to sell records and so you lose the war. Crass came close tho I'll dispute they were musical but how did they finish ? Bankrupted because they forgot to charge VAT. What a revolution !

Messages stink in music.... anger and frustration is a common currency and the best punk toons have them. But lets face it we need all the crap in music and all the varied sounds and images coz then the good stuff stands out. I'd hate to have punk every day. Variety really is the spice of life.

So where did it all start then..... well f**k The Stooges and f**k the Dolls ....lets go back to the beginning....."

A evo još ulomka iz Kose Anđela:
“Kurt je svoju pravu umjetničku muzu pronašao u Olympiji - na udaljenosti manjoj od osam kilometara, sjedio je nekada u jadnom malom stanu koji je smrdio na zečju mokraću i pisao pjesme po cijeli dan. Te pjesme nadživjele su Kurta i njegove najcrnje demone. Dave Reed - koji je tijekom jednog razdoblja prihvatio Kurta kao rođenog sina - opisao ga je bolje nego itko ikada: “Bio je očajan, ali ne i dovoljno hrabar biti ono što jest. Jednom kada to uspijete, ne možete pogriješiti, jer ne možete raditi pogreške ako vas ljudi vole zato što ste ono što jeste. Ali, Kurtu nije bio bitno da ga drugi vole; on jednostavno sebe nije volio dovoljno.”

Post je objavljen 16.03.2006. u 20:57 sati.