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Veliki brat vas gleda - htjeli vi to ili ne.

Google je ponudio novu uslugu za oglašivače. Oglasi će se pokazivati onoj publici koja najviše traži vaš proizvod. Recimo , ako prodajete dječja kolica, google vam može srediti da se vaš oglas pokazuje mamama koje imaju malu djecu. Prodajete nekretnine? Google vam može srediti da se vaš oglas pokazuje onima koji imaju godišnja primanja iznad 300000$. Oćete još primjera - želite da se oglas sa vašim apartmanima prikazuje onima koji imaju obitelj sa troje djece - no problem . Google can do that.

Za zabrinuti se. Svaki vaš upit u google se skenira, svaki vaš mail na gmailu se skenira u potrazi za ključnim riječima. Google na osnovu toga zaključuje tko ste i što ste i gura vam stvari koje vam "trebaju". S obzirom na milijune ljudi koji koriste google.

Nije teško googlu skužiti da sa istog kompjutera dolaze upiti za informatiku, modu i dječje barbie igrice. I nakon mjesec dana zna da nas je troje. Žena, mala i ja. Ženi treba uvaliti modni magazin, maloj novu barbiku, a meni novu knjigu. Za par godina će skužiti da je i ćuk tu pa će njega vrbovati da od staraca nažica da mu kupimo novi ninđa turtles.

Za one sa malo poduzetničkog duha - strašna stvar, za one koje nije briga znajte - veliki brat vas gleda.

Evo služebenog objašnjenja

What is demographic site selection?

Demographic site selection is a way to find and run your ads on sites with the right audience for your AdWords campaigns.

A demographic group is an audience that shares a particular trait or characteristic. This trait might be age, gender, income, or some other factor. If your product appeals to young women, for instance, you might want to target sites popular with the female demographic, the 18-24 age demographic, or both.

With the AdWords site tool, you can pick your preferences in up to three different demographic categories. The system will analyze your preferences and create a list of available Google Network sites that are popular with that audience. If you select multiple demographics, the AdWords system will look for sites that match all of your preferences. For instance, you might ask the site tool to look for sites popular with users who have children, or for sites popular with men earning a high income. The site tool will then return a list of sites whose audience tends to match those demographic descriptions.

The demographic site selection option is found on the 'Identify sites' page when you create a new site-targeted campaign, or on the site tool in an existing site-targeted campaign. In both cases you'll also be able to use two other options to find sites: listing site URLs and describing topics that match your ad. We recommend using those methods along with demographic site selection to identify the very best sites for your ad to appear. For more detailed instructions, please see this Help Center entry: How do I use the site tool?

The demographic website data used by AdWords comes from comScore Media Metrix, an Internet audience measurement provider. At this time, AdWords has demographic information on users from the United States only. For this reason, demographic site selection is available only for campaigns which geo-target users in the United States. If your campaign doesn't geo-target the United States, you will not see the demographic option on the site tool.

Please remember that demographic site selection cannot guarantee that your ad will reach only the exact audience you select. Most public websites get a variety of visitors. However, demographic site selection will help you choose sites where you're very likely to find the people you want to reach.

BTW. Imamo ime firme, na žalost nije ono iz prošlog posta, ali je isto dobro. Sutra smo kod lojera pa ću vam reći kako je bilo.

Post je objavljen 15.03.2006. u 21:11 sati.