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Ia Ivu B.....

Evo Za Ivu B. koja kaze da mi je blog malo depresivan, stavljam tu lyricse od Korpiklaanija, kao što si mi predložila.Trebali bi se mi neki okupit sad kad vrijeme bude ljepše, otić u šumu zapalit vatru i "veselit se" uz ale, pjevat derat se, partijat ko pravi korpiklaani (fin. šumski klan) , razvalit Fintroll, Korpiklaani, Aes Dana i ostali folk-black uživat u prirodi i zajebavat se ko nikad, živjet vikinški život bar nekoliko sati......Sam se svi trebamo nac i raspalit po pjesmi i partijani..nažderat se, napit, izubijat....mozemo onak debilno plesat (ono ruku pod ruku i vrti se dok ne padnes).....ahhh...jedva cekam ljepse vrijeme.

Wooden Pints

There's men, underground
Who have never seen the sun
But they really know how to party
Little men from underground
Who have never seen the sun
But the really know how to party

The rise their wooden pints and they yoik and sing
And they fight and dance 'till the morning

Tables full, reindeer meat
And the camp fire shines and the brick walls are full candles
Tables full, wooden pints
They don't care about their sins
They just wanna get drunk and party


Long war is now past
Only good men have lasted
They need women, meat, beer and rom
Fight battle full of blood no thoughts about god they just slaughtered killed and tormented


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Korpiklaani, folk-svart metall bandet fra Finland

Post je objavljen 12.03.2006. u 12:22 sati.