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...dreams of dancing...

I see you in my dreams -
You are so far from me
I know you from my dreams -
you are so strange to me
Our hearts touched thousand times -
You always stay in your world
Could I only follow you like the light -
Deepness of my heart

Yet my time hasn't come

Shadowy voices that I hear -
Irritate me in moments of loneliness
The sweet smell of breath -
Penetrates my thoughts
I hear your call - in my dreams -
Once again and forever

Your figure disappears -
Your cries die away -
You are caught in my dreams -
Dreams of dancing - dreams of dancing

I see you in my dreams -
You are so far from me
I know you from my dreams -
you are so strange to me
Our hearts touched thousand times -
You always stay in your world
Could I only follow you like the light -
Deepness of my heart

Yet my time hasn't come

Shadowy voices that I hear -
Irritate me in moments of loneliness
The sweet smell of breath -
Penetrates my thoughts
I hear your call - in my dreams -
Once again and forever

Your figure disappears -
Your cries die away -
You are caught in my dreams -
Dreams of dancing - dreams of dancing

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Negdje daleko, tamo iza sunca, na osvjetljenoj stazi zvijezda, pronalazim necije korake...prvi koraci pocinju od samog pocetka te staze i okruzuju citavo nebo…nije to ravna staza, neka koju mozes nacrtati u nekoliko pokreta, vec se doima poput neke razigrane, pomalo divlje strijele…okruzuje citavu putanju, citav svemir okruzen je njezinim koracima…negdje na toj stazi niodkuda se pruzaju neki drugi koraci i stapaju u ove prve…upotpunjuju ih…jedinstvo su…nitko ne moze reci da su sretni, da su tuzni, usamljeni ili zadovoljni, no oni su jedno…i mozda je ludo nekome zamisliti da na nebu trazis necije korake, no u tom je i ljepota…mozda me i proglase sanjarem no…to su koraci koje zelim nastaviti pratiti…

Post je objavljen 08.03.2006. u 21:21 sati.