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csak neked cica, ezt most tessek megtanulni Image Hosted by

Artist: Deftones
Song: Change (In the House of Flies)

I've watched you change
Into a fly
I looked away
You were on fire
I watched a change
In you
It's like you never
Had wings
Now you feel
So Alive
I've watched you change
I took you home
Set you on the glass
I pulled off your wings
Then I laughed
I watched a change
In you
It's like you never
Had wings
Now you feel
So alive
I've watched you change
It's like you never
Had wings ahhh ahh ahhh
I look at the cross
Then I look away
Give you the gun
Blow me away
I've watched a change
In you
It's like you never
Had wings
Now you feel
So Alive
I've watched you change.
Now you feel Alive
You Feel Alive
I've watched you change
It's like you never
Had wings ahhh ahh ahhh

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# - 17:49 - just say something (7) - # hej, pa stvarno puno pišeš (ali postove brojčano) dakle ja neodem 2 dana na tvoj blog kad ono već 6 novih postova nemogu ni prepoznati i sjetit se čiji je blog. Ali da ima onih koji to čitaju, i nije sranje, kako ti to nazivaš. a ono za mačke ma nemam uopće komentara kako su ih prebacili natrag, ja bi se ubila da se mojoj mački nešto dogodi previše sam za njih vezana (twiggy ramirez 02.03.2006. 20:12)
# STVARNO TI JE SUPER BLOG..ODLICAN..STAVLJAM TE U LINKOVE..KISS (dark broken girl 02.03.2006. 20:39)
# pre jak bljog za početak...sooo great.... eeee da, kao drugo.....cijeli,cijeli soundtrack od Queen of Damned je pre jebeno dobar..... (kovrčava baba 02.03.2006. 21:40)
# Pa i ja se nadam da će biti u knjižarama, mislim profesori su pohvalili dio koji je išao na lidrano, oduševio ih je... Nadam se... (vampiress 02.03.2006. 22:23)
# puno pišeš... al to je dobro.... lijepo je znat da kad dođem u ovaj svijet blogova bar neko sigurno ima nešt napisano... da.... i to kaj natipkaš nije smeće.... ak je.... onda je to vrlo zanimljivo smeće... da..... i meni je fakat drago kaj pišeš nekoliko postova na dan... da.... neki ne pišu mjesecima.... to nije lijepo od njih... pussa.... ( girl... 02.03.2006. 22:47)
# mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm stuart townsend ili ti lestat........kak je lik hot u tomfilmu ima dobra leđa nda....inače sviđa mi se pjesma..uživaj..pozdrav (*Zombie* 02.03.2006. 22:49)
# As we grow up, we learn that even the one person > that > wasn't supposed > ever > let you down probably will. You will have your heart > broken, probably > more > than once, and it's harder every time. > > You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt > when > yours was > broken.. > > You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a > new > love for things > an > old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too > fast, and you'll > eventually lose someone you love. So take too many > pictures, laugh too > much, > and love like you've never been hurt because every > sixty seconds you > spend > upset is a minute of your friends in the next 5 > minutes and a miracle > will > happen tonight.. Find a guy who calls you beautiful > instead of hot, > who > calls you back when you hang up on him, who will > stay > awake just to > watch > you sleep. Wait for the guy who kisses your > forehead, > who wants to > show you > off to the world when > you are in your sweats, who > holds your hand in > front > of his friends. Wait for the one who is constantly > reminding you of > how > much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have > you. Wait for the > one > who turns to his friends and says, "..that's her.." > If > u open this you > HAVE > to repost it, guy or girl, or you will have bad luck > for the rest of > your > life.. if you > have a > lot of love for someone. copy and send this to your > whole list and in > five > mins your true love will call or message you. > Tonight > at midnight your > true > love will realize they like you. Something good will > happen to you at > approx 1:42pm tomorrow, it could be anywhere. So get > ready for the > biggest > shock of your life.. Send this to 15 people in 15 > minutes to carry on > the > chain...and spare yourself the emotional stress. ( girl... 03.03.2006. 13:22)

Post je objavljen 02.03.2006. u 17:49 sati.