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Kako suludo utrošiti novac!

6 razloga zbog kojih 95% tradera izgubi novac

It's a bit of a lie. The stock market is supposed to be a wealth builder for all who participate BUT it is often quoted that over 95% of the public who do "play" the stock market lose money. How can this be?

So if the above is true then it is one of two things. Either the stock market is so difficult a business to win in the average man in the street should not enter it OR most people are doing something wrong.

Which do you think it is?

My guess is most people will take the easy option out and say:

"The game is rigged" "You can't compete against the professionals" " I was given poor advice" " The method I used was all wrong"

Like I say the easy option. Blame it on THEM. THEY did it to me. They took my money. THEY gave me lousy advice. THEY, THEY, THEY.

But there is another more profitable way of looking at it.

It's not that making money in the stock markets is difficult it's our emotions that make is a losing game.

You see we as a mass of people create the stock markets. Our Euphoria and greed and Technology insanity created the bubble in 1995- 2000. Everyone was making easy money investing in .COM stocks. And everyone was joining the party. The doors were open and the atmosphere was electric. No one considered the hang over that was sure to follow. So as a mass of millions stampeding into the markets to grab slice of the profits WE created the bubble. How can it be any different?

THEN the inevitable happened. The bubble burst and down came the stock market. Euphoria and profits turned to disbelief and losses and then anger and fear. Down came the stock market as the partygoers ran for the exits. The same people who created the bubble now created a crash.

In 2003 as everyone was losing his money and refusing to talk about he stock market. Something began to stir. The stock market started to rise again. Under every-ones noses stocks began to rise from their graves.

Look at these FANTASTIC stocks M.S.T.S. traded in 2003:

I am here to tell you making a fortune in the stock market is not that difficult. The difficulty lies in combating your emotions and your need to do the wrong things all the time. Like:

1) You want to invest all the time. All the best and biggest winning traders stay on the sidelines at least 50% of the time waiting and stalking. Show me a trader who trades every day and I'll show you a losing one.

2) You don't have the discipline to wait fort he VERY best set ups. You are so desperate to trade you take the first stock that looks half decent rather than wait for the "perfect" set up.

3) The big money is in the BIG moves. I'd rather make 2-3 trades every bull cycle and make 100%+ on those moves than trade 50 stocks for many small gains and losses.

4) You keep falling for poor advice. You listen to forums, gurus and emails promising you this stock is going to gain over 500% in the next week.

5) You trade emotionally rather then from a detached business view. You get overexcited about gains and end up taking them too early. You get too upset about losses and refuse to accept them.

6) You trade stocks fundamentally. I see no use in following a stocks fundamentals. Price trend and volume is all that really matters.

Successful trading is both very difficult to master but at the same time it's almost too easy compared to other businesses. Where else can you make $100,000's per annum for a few minutes work every day? BUT, although it is a very simple process many cannot master the patience and discipline needed to win in this gain.

Post je objavljen 21.02.2006. u 15:42 sati.