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Just let it will go

A lone man has taken his sword, made a promise that his journey witt never end, than standng and loughing in the face of death, stabbed the sword into his chest. With his last breath he said: I'm not affraid what the death will bring, trust me, we'll met ourselfs on the other side, trust me... and the hot corpse has fallen to the round. Hot blood has covered the fresh wound, and the motionless body was hte last thing that has disturbed the powerfull scene of nature. The body inside the forest of flowers, a perfect grave. But his time hasn't come yet, so all of his hard work was... useless. Died for no reason. Just because his world betrayed him. Just because he knew that he had nothing to do or make in this world. So spirits, welcome the fiercest warrior that had ever walked on the clear plains and through the shalow watter.

Zašto sam ovo napisao? Odkud mi ovo?
Ne znam, sam znam da sam OPET u nekakvoj laganoj depri (mama,brat, škola... škola zapravo ne, ona još pozitivno utječe na ). Da čitam knjigu saviors of kamigawa (magic the gathnering) i da je jedan lik umro na ovaj način. Ja sam samo uključio svoju inspiraciju i stvorio sve ostalo.

Here comes the rain again, falling from the stars. Drenched in my pain AGAIN, becoming who I am.
As my memory dies, never forgeting what I lost. Wake me up, when I die.

Iskreno, ne želim umrijeti, ali jednostavno sam opsjednut izgovranjem riječi smrt. Što to znači? Ja koji ne želim dići ruku na nekoga, pogotov na sebe, govori o završetku onoga čega zovemo životnim ciklusom?
Pih, ovo bih trebao pobrisati... ovo mi ne treba. Zašto razmišljam o glupostima? Zašto ne zapisujem ono korisno i to ljepim ovdje? Da, opet se vraćam na onu kreten fazu. Je**no. And nothing else matters.

Hmm, jedamput bih trebao probati napisati post slušajući svaku pjesmu koja mi se sviđa, ali svaki put različitim redosljedom. Možda bih se prokužio, ali duboko sumnjam u to. Duboko sumnjam sada i u sebe.
Neznam zašto, ali samo par riječi su me uspjele skučiti u takav kut... tuge, neznanja i potištenostim ne prihvatiljivo mome umu. Between angels and insects, everything and nothing.
Engleski jezik, knjiga na engleskom, po meni je... neprejebiva po snazi i izrazu emocija. Nešto najkorektnije za izražavati se. Eh još da sam rođeni englez...

Hoću napisati zanimljiv post, a ne mogu. Lijenost nije, oduzetost vremena je. Neznam kako ali pušim previše vremena na bilo što, i to je teška koma. Separate me from my body.
Dobro sada mi se više ne da pisati, idem slušati muziko dok ne zaspim. Sayonara

Post je objavljen 09.02.2006. u 23:32 sati.