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Tupac (16.6.1971.-13.9.1996.)
"I believe that everything that you do bad comes back to you. So everything that I do that's bad, I'm going to suffer from it. But in my mind, I believe what I'm doing is right. So I feel like I'm going to heaven."

"We talk a lot about Malcom X and Martin Luther King JR, but It's time to be like them, as strong as them. They were mortal men like us and everyone of us can be like them. I don't want to be a role model. I just want to be someone who says, this is who i am, this is what i do. I say what's on my mind%quot;

"Though are hands are chained like they are, they haven't taken music from us yet. So that's how I'll fight. People tell me don't quit like everyone else. I wont have no fear."

"Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real."

"Imperfection is inherited, therefore we all sin, but fighting the war of sin is the greatest war of all because we all die in the end no matter how hard we fight."

"To me, I feel that my game is strong. I feel as thought I'm a shining prince, just like Malcolm, and I feel that all of us are shining princes, and if we live like princes, then whatever we want can be ours. Anything."

"But I see now that whether I show up for work or not, the evil forces are going to beat me. They're going to come 100 percent, so if I dont be 100 percent pure-hearted, I'm going to lose. And thats why I'm losing."

"I never thought I was the best rapper the best nothing'. I think I'm the realist nigga out there"
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Tupac's poetry

u r the omega of my heart
the foundation of my conception of love
when i think of what a black woman should be
its u that i first think of

u will never fully understand
how deeply my heart feels 4 u
i worry that we'll grow apart
and i'll end up losing u

u bring me 2 climax without sex
and u do it all with regal grace
u r my heart in human form
a friend i could never replace

I Cry

Sometimes when I'm alone
I Cry,
Cause I am on my own.
The tears I cry are bitter and warm.
They flow with life but take no form
I Cry because my heart is torn.
I find it difficult to carry on.
If I had an ear to confiding,
I would cry among my treasured friend,
but who do you know that stops that long,
to help another carry on.
The world moves fast and it would rather pass by.
Then to stop and see what makes one cry,
so painful and sad.
And sometimes...
I Cry
and no one cares about why.

Ray Charles

Rodjen je 23.9.1930. u Americi.Oslijepio je u 6 godini od glaukome.Zenio se dvaput,imao puno afera,12 djece,20 unucadi i 5 praunuka.Njegov najpoznatiji hit u Americi bio je 1962. "I Can't Stop Lovin'n you" koji se zadrzao 5 tjedana na 1. mjestu Billboard top ljestvice.Na 47. dodjeli Grammy-a osvojio je 8 Grammy-a za svoj posljednji album Genius Loves Company,a pjesma Here We Go Again(feat. Norah Jones)postao je hit godine.Njegovo puno ime je RAY CHARLES ROBINSON,ali je izbacio Robinson iz svog imena da ga ne bi brkali sa Sugar Ray Robinsonom.

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"I never considered myself part of rock 'n' roll. My stuff was more adult. It was more difficult for teenagers to relate to; my stuff was filled with more despair than anything you'd associate with rock 'n' roll. Since I couldn't see people dancing, I didn't write jitterbugs or twists. I wrote rhythms that moved me. My style required pure heart singing."
Napravljen je i film prema njegovom zivotu,a glumi ga odlicni Jamie Foxx.Umro je 10.6.2004..

Post je objavljen 31.01.2006. u 16:03 sati.