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Opet zabava

Jednog dana dođe žena u apoteku i reče apotekaru:
-Ja bih, molim vas, željela kupiti arsen!?
-Gospođo, arsen je veoma jak otrov. Što želite napraviti s njim?
-Ubila bih muža!
-Gospođo, ja vam arsen ne mogu prodati, pogotovo ne za tu namjeru.
Nato ona bez riječi izvadi iz torbice sliku i prislone je na staklo koje je
djelilo nju i apotekara.
Na slici se seksaju njezin muž i apotekarova žena.
Kada shvati što vidi, apotekar će:
-Jao gospođo, oprostite, nisam znao da imate recept.

Imamo darwinovca u Hrvatskoj!!! Jest da je samo časna spomenica ali i to je početak... Za one koji ne znaju, darvinove nagrade su namijenjene ljudima koji su se svojom glupošću maknuli iz genetskog bazena. Oni koji su uspjeli onemogućiti stvaranje vlastitog potomstva (smrt, kastracija...) imaju šanse za nagradu a oni koji su bili blizu dobiju časnu spomenicu. Više na Darwin Awards.

Overheated Engine
2004 Honorable Mention
Confirmed True by Darwin
"Maybe I used too much paper."

(7 January 2004, Croatia) Eastern Europe is known for its harsh winters, and Zlatko, 52, had seen his fair share of them in his town near Zagreb. But when temperatures dropped low enough to play havoc with outdoor machinery, Zlatko was exasperated to find that his Opel Kadett had fallen victim to the cold, repeatedly refusing to start.

The engine must be frozen, he decided. He remembered times he himself had been freezing in those icy Croatian winters. There was nothing better than warming up before a toasty roaring fire. Yes! That was clearly the solution to his problem. A roaring fire would warm up the Opel's engine.

Zlatko fetched some old newspapers, stuffed them under the engine, and lit them. While waiting for the engine to warm up, he wandered off -- a fortunate occurance, because his beloved car exploded in a fireball. The heartbroken man told reporters, "I couldn't start the engine and realized it was frozen. Now my lovely car is destroyed."

Luckily, Zlatko has identified what went wrong.
"Maybe I used too much paper," he said.

DarwinAwards.com © 1994 - 2006
Submitted by: Jon Lockley
Reference: annanova.com

Post je objavljen 20.01.2006. u 21:49 sati.