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Bas danas

Bas danas sam pricao s deckima iz razreda kak sam ove godine slusao sam Azru i Desedrii Marginis....e sluso sam i emperor

He Who Sought The Fire

and again he came to cherish
the comfort of mysteries
inspiring and far away
timeless in the moment
they painted immortality

forever drawn towards the centre
of this ensorcelling flame
yet, still in fear of the sacrifice
it would take to know its name

"Do not despair", said the mystery
"You will always have a friend in me
until the day you break my code
then I will be gone and you are free... manifest another"

towards the heavens he did aspire
now he shall burn who sought the fire
some will mourn the ashes cold
while others behold the inferno unfold

forever drawn towards the centre
of this ensorcelling flame
yet, still in fear of the sacrifice
it would take to know its name

now he shall burn who sought the fire
to manifest another

Zanimljivo, prvi black metal ove godine koji poslusah i radi se o Prometeju....tragicno djete, sta ces.A album na kojem je ta pjesma (prometheur: The discipline of fire and demise) je obiljezio zadnjih par mjeseci prosle godine...osobito "thorns on my grave"

Thorns On My Grave

"I hereby commit my body to the ground
sterilised and wrapped in plastic foil
being an object of this space and time
this body should remain concealed

for it holds every disease
ever exposed
it holds all pain and death
I could ever unleash

beneath deceiving, fragile skin
breathes the ever growing hate within

since the first glimpse of my existence
I have fed this greedy infection

an aimless search for potential persistence
found no escape from the fatal injection of life

for it holds every disease
ever exposed
it holds all pain and death
it could ever unleash

beneath deceiving, fragile skin
breathes the ever growing hate within

I am the father

I am the son
my refugee soul has escaped
this body depraved
of final wishes I ask none
but one
now that I am gone
lay thorns on my grave"

Zadnja pjesma na zadnjem albumu prije raspada, kao da su znali (i jesu u biti)...Ali karajem 05 su se ponovno okupili da odsviraju par koncerata, Ihsahn (gitara,bass,vokali i klavijature) snima svoj solo album...Nadam se da Emperor nece snimati novi album, ovo sto su napravili je savrseno, i prirodno su se raspali, kada bi sad isforsirali album to ne bi bilo dobro, u neku ruku ipak bi jer sada su se ispuhali na side projectima..ali necu nista nagadati jer samoth je izjavio da je Zyklon sada glavni band, a kako god to cudno zvucalo EMPEROR je side project....kako su rekli u "an elegy of icaros"

"if I fall, i will rise again"

Post je objavljen 02.01.2006. u 21:24 sati.