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božićno je vrijeme, svi si čestitaju, ljudi kite borove, čak i u turskoj, nemaju pojma zaš ni otkud to, dok sam par dana prije (21.12) nas par prijatelja smo si medusobo čestitali Yule, ne sad da smo neki veliki "pogani" al ipak, to je radanje novog svjetla.......u svemu tome nekak sam se sjetio lyricsa od jednog banda Necromantie:

''...You've came and slaughtered Odin,
You've came and murdered Zeus;
So our gods became your Satan
And Your Satan became our god...''

heh nije uvjek tako, pokupiše ljudi običaje, a onda jadnom narodu seri i pale ih na lomači što pokušavaju štovat ono u šta vjeruku....dosta o tome!

Hmmm..današnji playlist bio je večinom: Arcana-Inner pale sun
Hate forest-Purity

I uskoro dobivam Inarborat Kosmos od negura bunget!!!JEDVA ČEKAM!

Inače iskopao sam jedan zanimljiv band Drudkh (sanskrt za drvo) iz Ukrajne su i sviraju neki Pagan black, mješaju sa folkom, super su

Sad bas razmisljam kad bi mogao skoknut do zagreba da si kupim Soulside Journey od Darkthronea, ploču naravno!!!

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To the elder ruins again
The wind whispers beside the deep forest
Darkness will show us the way
Heic Noenum Pax, Here is no peace
The sky has darkened thirteen as
We are collected woeful around a book
Made of human flesh
De Grandae Vus Antiquus Mulum Tristis
Arcanas Mysteria Scriptum
The books blood written pages open
Invoco Crentus Domini De Daemonium
We follow with our white eyes
The ceremonial proceeding
Heic Noenum Pax, Bring us the goat
Rex Sacriticulus Mortifer
In the circle of stone coffins
We are standing with our black robes on
Holding the bowl with unholy water

Psychomantum Et Precr Exito Annos Major
Ferus Netandus Sacerdos Magus Mortem Animalium

Pagan Fears

The bloody history from the past
Deceased humans now forgotten
An age of legends and fear
A time now so distant
Less numbered as they were their lives
So primitive and pagan
Superstitions were a part of the life
So unprotected in the dark nights
Pagan fears
The past is alive
The past is alive
Woeful people with pale faces
Staring obsessed at the moon
Some memories will never go away
And they will forever be here

Post je objavljen 26.12.2005. u 20:34 sati.