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Eto tako...

I mda jučer me malo depra uhvatila zbog onoga...
I danas još hladan tuš o obliku altinskog... 3. sulja sveukupno... al neam veze.
Na greškama se svijet temelji...

I tak ja jučer malo u depri napisah pjesam, za što se nisam nadao da ću radit za bend al eto što ej tu je:

my demons

And I stand here
The rain falls
Only thing I can remember
Feeling me here
Inner voice calls
Only if I could forget

That moment lost in me
My memories hold the pain
Why does it hurt?
I don know...

I'm going further
Betrayed, of and gone
Knowing i'm all alone
I'll go futher
Wind freezed my bone
I can only pray c'mon

Leave me here
Do not fear
I'll know why
You burnd my soul
You know why
Now i'm cold

Is the world against me?
The days pass me by
How did I make this?
Is it too dark to see
Listen and no one will cry
I'm not just a miss

Hey who can be against me?
I cannot say
It is really my shame
Me oh only me
Just for one day

If being alone is good
then I can sleep now
Thank you for all
Thanks for the mood
I can't trust you from now
Don't wanna hear you call


If i'm only one to fight
Leave me in the night
I shall not fall
I fell too tall

Betray me my dear friend
betray me like he did
Think for the mercy
It's not a dead end
I won't let it bleed

I will stand up
I will look up
The rains stops
Sun ray's drops
I'm again a man
It's good to be just a man

I ja da pišem pjesme... pih pa nisam pisac.
Al kad već moram to ćem radit, za inspiraciju imam npr. kaotčeve priče koje ćem pretočit u tekst :).
Ma šalim se, ja imam sam originale i kvit.
Ima li tko bilo kakvu ideju neka slobodno javi.

I našao sam jednu super pjesmicu od Rammstain za koju nisam ni znao da ju imam a zove se:

Er legt die Nadel auf die Ader
und bittet die Musik herein
zwischen Hals und Unterarm
die Melodie fährt leise ins Gebein
Los! Los! Los!
Bop bop shu bop
Er hat die Augen zugemacht
in seinem Blut tobt eine Schlacht
ein Heer marschiert durch seinen Darm
die Eingeweide werden langsam warm
Los! Los! Los!
Bop bop shu bop
Nichts ist für dich
nichts war für dich
nichts bleibt für dich
für immer
Er nimmt die Nadel von der Ader
die Melodie fährt aus der Haut
Geigen brennen mit Gekreisch
Harfen schneiden sich ins Fleisch
er hat die Augen aufgemacht
doch er ist nicht aufgewacht
Nichts ist für dich
nichts war für dich
nichts bleibt für dich
für immer...

Unofficial Translation ©2003 Jeremy Williams.
He lays the needle in the vein
and he asks the music to come inside
between his throat and forearm
the melody travels softly in the bones
Go! Go! Go!
Bop bop shu bop
He has closed his eyes
a battle rages in his blood
an army marches through his bowel
the intestines become warm slowly
Go! Go! Go!
Bop bop shu bop
Nothing is for you
nothing was for you
nothing remains for you
He takes the needle from the vein
the melody travels out of the skin
violins burn with shrieking
harps cut the flesh
he has opened his eyes
but he is not awake
Nothing is for you
nothing was for you
nothing remains for you

Post je objavljen 25.11.2005. u 23:10 sati.