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Niki Taylor

Niki Taylor je rođena 05. ožujka 1973. godine u Fort Lauderdaleu na Floridi.
Amerikanka je tamno plave kose i očiju boje lješnjaka visoka 1,80 m.
Njezino puno ime je Nicole Renee Taylor.
Kao djevojčica sanjala je da postane model. Želja joj se i ostvarila kad su ju sa 13 godina primili u floridsku modnu agenciju.
Do 16. godine bila je milijunašica i predsjednica vlastite firme, Niki Inc.
Niki je bila najmlađa manekenka koja je potpisala veliki kozmetički ugovor (sa L`Orealom za Cover Girl).
02. srpnja 1995. godine njezina mlađa sestra Krissy, također manekenka, umrla je od komplikacija sa astmom.
Niki također ima i stariju sestru Joelle.
Prije nekoliko godina Niki je preživjela tešku prometnu nesreću od koje se uspješno oporavila.
Ima dvoje djece (blizanci Jake i Hunter) iz braka sa američkim nogometašem Matthewom Martinezom.

Niki Taylor was born on March 5, 1973 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
She is an American with dark blonde hair and hazel eyes, 1,80 m tall.
Her full name is Nicole Renee Taylor.
As a girl she dreamed to become a model. Her wish came through when she was accepted to Florida modelling agency at the age of 13.
Until the age of 16 she was a millionaire and an owner of her own company – Niki Inc.
Niki was the youngest model that signed for a huge cosmetic contract (with L`Oreal for Cover Girl).
On July 2, 1995 her younger sister Krissy, also a model, died from an asthma complications.
Niki also has an older sister Joelle.
A few years ago, Niki was in a bad car accident from which she fully recovered.
She has two kids (twins Jake and Hunter) from a marriage with american football player Matthew Martinez.

Cover Girl

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Cosmopolitan US
– „The Momshell“
March 1998, ph. Dewy Nicks
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Cosmopolitan Croatia

January 1999, ph. unknown
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Post je objavljen 25.09.2005. u 21:37 sati.