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Nintendo Revolution!!!

Iako smo znali da će kontroler za Nintendovu novu konzolu koja će se pojaviti tokom naredne godine biti nešto do sada neviđeno, mora se priznati da je njegovo predstavljanje izazvalo veliko iznenađenje i veliki broj pitanja igrača. Zbog toga vam skrećemo pažnju na intervju koji je Eurogamer uradio sam Jimom Merrickom.

A mi za naš sajt iz njega izdvajamo sledeće:

Eurogamer: There's been a lot of talk about expanding the gaming audience and creating games for the whole family. Does that mean you're leaving Sony and Microsoft to take care of the hardcore?
Jim Merrick: Not at all. We know we have two audiences to reach - one is the expanding audience, new consumers or people who used to play games but have since quit.

But we can't only embrace that audience. We have to recognise the people who put us on the map, and make sure we continue create games for them. For example, the first person shooter genre is very important, and as I mentioned earlier the nunchuk-style controller will change the way you think about FPS games forever.

Eurogamer: How is the controller going to work with games that aren't designed specifically for the Revolution - multi-platform titles and so on?
Jim Merrick: We're producing a classic-style expansion controller, based on traditional designs like the Gamecube controller. It's like a shell with a hole in the top into which you slot the freehand-style controller, and then you can play third-party ported games, and retro Nintendo games you've downloaded. So there's that option - but even while it's inserted into the classic-style shell, the freehand controller will still be able to sense positioning and so on, so there are more options too.

It's something that's just as true for the DS - not every game uses the DS's unique features. But some multi-platform titles do, like The Sims 2 for example. We hope other developers will do the same and look at ways their multi-platform titles can make use of the Revolution's features.

Iako Nintendo Revolution i nismo baš predstavili u vestima u vreme njegove premijere na ovogodišnjem E3-u, uglavnom zbog nepotpune prezentacije (nije najavljena ni jedna igra, čak ni gamepad nije bio predstavljen), ovo sada prenosimo jer jednostavno morate videti da biste poverovali. Na ovogodišnjem Tokyo Game Show-u, koji je počeo juče, napokon je predstavljen gamepad za Nintendo Revolution... slika govori više od 1000 reči so I give you this.

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# Remote control design: constructed to appeal to a wide variety of potential players
# 3D Pointing: Sensors understand up, down, left, right, forward and backward.
# Tilt Sensitive: Controller can be rotated or rolled from side-to-side.
# Buttons Included: Has a trigger on its backside, face buttons, and a D-Pad.
# Multifunctional: Has an expansion port which can be used with different types of controller peripherals. Analog stick with two trigger buttons planned for left hand.
# Wireless: Totally wire-free. Currently there are no details on the max distance, source or power, or otherwise.
# Rumble Built-in. Included standard in all the controllers.

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Post je objavljen 23.09.2005. u 22:07 sati.