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aeroplane... (3:56, Björk, Debut, 1993)

U nedostatku pametnijega, imam copy&paste sa boingboing:

JetBlue emergency landing: life imitates Snowcrash
From Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash:

[Hiro] turns off all of the techno-shit in his goggles. All it does is confuse him; he stands there reading statistics about his own death even as it's happening to him. Very post-modern. Time to get immersed in Reality, like all the people around him.

And from CNN:

The airliner circled Southern California for hours, crippled by a faulty landing gear, while inside its cabin 140 passengers watched their own life-and-death drama unfolding on live television. [...] [Pia] Varma, 23, and other passengers said the plane's monitors carried live DirectTV broadcasts on the plane's problems until just a few minutes before landing at Los Angeles International Airport.

Snowcrash ili "potpuni raspad" kako je to Algoritam preveo je knjiga Neala Stephensona koja je proglašena Neuromancerom devedesetih, a za one koji nisu znali Neuromancer je knjiga koja je po prvi puta (u osamdesetima) definirala pojmove poput cyberspacea, avatara i tome slično. Na mojoj sada već preopterećenoj polici za knjige postoji posebno mjesto za antologijske knjige, a neuromancer i snowcrash su definitivno dvije od tih (skupa s nedavno spomenutim America gods).

Ako niste još pročitali Snowcrash tada to morate učiniti vrlo brzo jer je to jedna doista dobra i zabavna knjiga (iako, preporučam originalnu verziju jer je tijekom prijevoda knjiga izgubila dosta na snazi). Snowcrash se dobrim dijelom bavi i analogijama koje bi se mogle rastegnuti i na blogiranje, tako da bi i sebe lagano mogli pronaći u toj knjizi.

Misao dana:
The same social mores that exist in the real world persist in cyberspace! That all the pathologies present in the real world are present in cyberspace by virtue of the fact that we are the agents of the pathologies! And when I say "we," I mean the part of us that can squeeze through the keyhole into cyberspace. That's the very interesting point, that cyberspace, I call it the mirror of the third eye, because boy does it show us what you really are! Because if you look in there, and you see dragons and demons and devils, then I know what you are full of, because what you are doing is you are seeing yourself.

Post je objavljen 23.09.2005. u 11:15 sati.