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Jolly RogerAhoy!

Me'd like ta point yer attention ta t'day's date. It be Talk Like a Pirate Day, ya scurvy dogs. By the Powers, and what a great, grand day it is fer lootin' and plunderin' th' shores. And o'course, fer throwin' landlubbers ta Davy Jones' locker, so don't ye be gettin' any ideas, ya sprogs.

Th'pieces of eight be waiting...
Wha'do pirates do on Talk Like a Pirate Day? Why, they talk like bloody pirates, like they always do, ye addlepates. Me mateys also enjoy th'booty they collected 'tween the last Day and this'un, most likely on their very own furner, which o'course, be the dream of every buccaneer, or corsair, this side of the Mediterranean.

Rest t'day pirates! No swashbucklin', fer the opportunity ta spend th'Day in yer quarters with the wench of yer choice comes only once a year. Also, feel free ta get loaded to the Gunwales, me hearties, and count yer doubloons, fer tommorow we sail again, to place the black spot on the people of Lithuania!

Th'Cat's gettin' hungry...
Th' sweet trade is open fer every lass and laddie t'day, so I suggest ye plunder, pillage, and talk like a pirate t'day, or me'll whip ya with th'Cat, ye floggin' buffons, wrap ye in t'Jolly Roger, n'make ye walk th'Plank.

Back wi'a wannion,
Boatswain Yarr'nturi

Post je objavljen 19.09.2005. u 12:30 sati.