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Postala sam opsjednuta s ovim blogom... svaki put kad sam na netu 10 puta provjeravam ima li nekakvih komentara... Heheheh :) ...

Sutra idem u Sloveniju na smotru orkestara... TAKO mi se neda, ali mislim da je moja duznost da idem...

Upravo se s frendom raspravljam o faksovima... imam tri zacrtana cilja: FFZG -> informatologiju, TVZ -> informatika, FFRI -> eng. i info. ... stalno vazem sto mi je bolje... ako budem jos skupa s decko u isto vrijeme ove godine i ako on bude isao u rijeku idem i ja... Nije da sam slijepo zaljubljena u njega i da cu riskirati cijelu svoju karijeru i zivot zbog jedne osobe.. stvar je sto studiranjem u rijeci, recimo to tako, ubijam dvije muhe odjednom... zajedno sam s decko s kojim cu se dotad vidjati samo 2-3 mjesecno po 2 dana i studiram ono sto volim... nema problema koje mi mnogi isticu... ako on ne uspije upisati u RI onda ce(mo) ici u Zg pa cu prvo probati ffzg... ako ne uspijem onda TVZ... zasto ovisi o tome sto on uspije? on ima manje izbora koji su totalno drukciji... ako ne budemo zajedno u to vrijeme prvo cu probati na ffzg... Da, da.. znam... luda sam sto vec imam tako to sve isplanirano :) ....

Slusam Dream Theater, Awake... uskoro ce moja najdraza pjesma "Voices".... razmisljam o tome da li da idem na koncert.. zapravo isla bi... ali frendica ide s deckom, moj ne zeli ici, nitko drugi ne voli bas toliko DT osim jednog frenda koji bi isao ali nezna da li ce biti slobodan u vrijeme koncerta...

Bas sam danas isla do frenda na posao, gledao je big broder... i sad sam se sjetila kolika se halabuka digla zbog Merlina Mejsona i crkve... kako su oni ograniceni... kako bi trebali biti tolerantni i da onome tko se ne svidja ne mora ici na koncert itd. ... onda sam se sjetila da su ti isti ljudi zapravo govorili prosle godine o big broderu, tek kad se poceo emitirati, kako je to glupa emisija, kako je to za idiote, da su svi kretencine koji su se prijavili, da to treba ukinuti, da svi koji to gledaju su retardirani idioti i sl. Gdje je tada bila tolerancija, neogranicenost i pustanje drugih da gledaju sto zele? Kako je predivno optuzivati druge za nesto, a kod sebe te iste mane smatrati vrlinama...

nesto mi se struja koleba... nadam se da nece nestati... bolje da ja posaljem ovaj post... pa cu, kad se vratim iz slovenije, jos nesto napisati :)

Voices, Dream Theater

'Love, just don't stare'
He used to say to me
every Sunday morning
The spider in the window
The angel in the pool
The old man takes the poison
Now the widow makes the rules

'So speak, I'm right here'
She used to say to me
not a word, not a word
Judas on the ceiling
the Devil in my bed
I guess Easter's never coming
So I'll just wait inside my head

Like a scream but sort of silent
living off my nightmares

Voices repeating me
'Feeling threatened?
We reflect your hopes and fears.'
Voices discussing me
'Others steal your thoughts
they're not confined
within your mind.'

Thought disorder
Dream control
Now they read my mind on the radio
But where was the Garden of Eden?

I feel elated
I feel depressed
Sex is death, Death is sex
Says it right here on my Crucifix

Like a scream but sort of silent
living off my nightmares

Voices protecting me
'Good behavior
brings the Savior
to his knees.'
Voices rejecting me
'Others steal your thoughts
they're not confined
to your own mind.'

[Dialogue by rap artist Prix-mo reading from the book "Cultural Revolution".]
"I don't wanna be here, 'cause of my
suffering, 'cause of my illness.
Only love is worth having, only
love is what matters, loving every
people on equal terms. "
"You've got to know who you're
dealin' with because, like a stranger,
a-heh, just might come in through
here with a gun... and then, what
would you do? (Heh.)"
"Everything is immaterial..."
"'n' you know that reality is immaterial."
"This is not reality..."

I'm kneeling on the floor
staring at the wall
like the spider in the window
I wish that I could speak
Is there fantasy in refuge?
God in politicians?
Should I turn on my religion?
These demons in my head tell me to

I'm lying here in bed
Swear my skin is inside out
Just another Sunday morning

Seen my diary on the newsstand
Seems we've lost the truth to quicksand
It's a shame no one is praying
'Cause these voices in my head
keep saying...

'Love, just don't stare.'
'Reveal the Word when you're
supposed to'
Withdrawn and introverted
Infectiously perverted
'Being laughed at and confused
keeps us pleasantly amused
enough to stay.'

Maybe I'm just Cassandra fleeting
Twentieth century Icon bleeding
Willing to risk Salvation
to escape from isolation

I'm witness to redemption
heard you speak but never listened
Can you rid me of my secrets?
Deliver us from Darkness?

Voices repeating me
'Feeling threatened?
We reflect your hopes and fears.'
Voices discussing me
Don't expect your own Messiah
This neverworld which you desire
is only in your mind.

Post je objavljen 09.09.2005. u 23:35 sati.