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Leon Theremin intervju ---

Covjek koji je izmislio prvi elektronicki instrument .... zabavno je citati da je Lenjin bio jedan od prvih koji je isprobao instrument...
kako se srozala elektronska glazba... od lenjina, do toga da ju po novinama povlace kao narkomansku glazbu... makar neki kazu da je i Lenjin volio hm... makar sudeci i po istrazivanju u EU parlamentu, i politicari vole malo srknut u pauzi....

.....I played a piece [of music]. After I played the piece they applauded, including Vladimir Il'yich [Lenin], who had been watching very attentively during my playing. I played Glinka's "Skylark", which he loved very much, and Vladimir Il'yich said, after all this applause, that I should show him, and he would try himself to play it. He stood up, moved to the instrument, stretched his hands out, left and right: right to the pitch and left to the volume. I took his hands from behind and helped him. He started to play "Skylark". He had a very good ear, and he felt where to move his hands to get the sound: to lower them or to raise them. In the middle of this piece I thought that he could himself, independently, move his hands. So I took my hands off of his, and he completed the whole thing independently, by himself, with great success and with great applause following. He was very happy that he could play on this instrument all by himself. ......


Post je objavljen 03.09.2005. u 13:14 sati.