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Kako sam umorna...Jučer na večer sam išla do labina da si vidim darlinga...A bus za Pazin kreće tek u 5.45...tako da sam u Pazin došla tek u 6.30...a dok sam došla doma već je bilo 7 ujutro...Dobro da mi je darling dao kušinić pa sam u busu mogla malo zadrjemat...Ljudi su me čudno gledali u gradu...mislim da je to zato jer sam pod rukom imala kušinić,ne?!? ;) ...ali baš je dobar kušinić...mekan...mljac...HeHe...I tako ja polako shvaćam kako sam stvarno In Love više nego sam to mislila...jer inače nikad nebi provela u busu sat i pol...ili hodala doma na noge u 6.30 u jutro...i sl....Love Is In The Air...Ehhh...

Pennywise - Victim of Reality Lyrics

Take a ride and you will see another dose of reality
It's your life that becomes a victim of me
I think I'm sick and you will see
Because one good shot and you'll end up dead
It's violence on the streets and it will never end
The world is not built for me and your my next victim
Victim of reality
Voices screaming in my head telling me the path that I tread
It's not sane but it's where we're fed
You're gonna end up dead
It's not something new to me a body in the street free publicity
For me and you a world we've known a world that is so cold

Odoh ja još malo odmarat...sva sam krepana...PoZdRaV!!!

Post je objavljen 01.09.2005. u 18:11 sati.