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According to an ancient legend, there was a time when ordinary people had access to all the knowledge of the gods. Yet, time and time again, they ignored this wisdom. One day, the gods grew tired of so freely giving a gift the people didn’t use, so they decided to hide this precious wisdom where only the most committed of seekers would discover it. They believed that if people had to work to find this wisdom, they would use it more carefully.
One of the gods suggested that they bury it deep in the earth.
No, the others said – too many people could easily dig down and find it.
“Let’s put it in the deepest ocean”, suggested one the gods, but that idea was also rejected. They knew that people would one day learn to dive and thus would find it too easily.
One of the gods suggested hiding it on the highest mountaintop, but it was quickly agreed that people could climb mountains.
Finally, one of the wisest gods suggested, “Let’s hide it deep inside the people themselves. They’ll never think to look in there.” And so it came to – and so it continues today.

Ova me priča podsjetila na nešto što mi se desilo u sedmom razredu. Nastavnik fizike nam je zadao za zadaću veoma težak zadatak. Na idućem času se ispostavilo da ga niko nije uspio riješiti, ali nastavnik nam je rekao da opet pokušamo.
I naravno, ja sam opet pokušala. Skoro čitav dan sam pokušavala bezuspješno. Ali te sam se noći probudila oko 3-4 ujutro i znala sam rješenje zadatka. Zapisala sam ga na papir i nastavila da spavam. Ujutro sam samu sebe obradovala jer da nisam zapisala rješenje, ne bi ga se mogla sjetiti.
Postoji u nama mnogo znanja, mnogo mudrosti, ali potrebno je biti uporan i potrebno je znati kako doći do tog znanja, do te mudrosti.

Post je objavljen 19.08.2005. u 21:16 sati.