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Erotic, scary, gothic and exciting

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Kraljica Prokletih, film o brutalnosti, mržnji, osveti...dakle, životu.
Film u kojem glumi legendarna Aalyah, crnkinja koja je poginula prije nekoliko godina & prezgodni Stuart Townsend. Osim njih tu su i Marguerite Moreau i Vincent Perez, također supać glumci.
Redatelj filma je Michael Rymer, a film traje 101 minutu.

Film je snimljen po romanu Anne Rice "Vampirske kronike" no za razliku od "Intervjua s vampirom", nije naišao na dobar prijem kritike i publike unatoč bizarnoj situaciji da kraljicu mrtvih glumi tragično preminula rnb pjevačica Aaliyah.
Stuart Towsend portretira Lestata, besmrtnog antijunaka kojeg smo upoznali u filmu "Intervju s vampirom." Lestat se budi u današnje vrijeme i nakon što shvaća da se svijet promijenio, postaje rock zvijezda. Njegov zvuk budi drevnu kraljicu Akashu koja Lestata želi u istoj mjeri koliko je Lestat fasciniran živim bićima...
Film je jednostavno genijalan, a zasigurno moj najdraži dio je kad su Akasha i Lestat u kadi prepunoj latica.
Evo ponešto o svakom od glavnih glumaca, na engleskom je, ali ako se nekome da neka čita kome ne.....nek samo gleda slike

Aaliyah probably had the toughest part to play in our film, in that she was then a 21-year-old with one movie under her belt, asked to play a 4000-year-old Egyptian queen who was transformed into the most powerful vampire of all. I was most concerned as to whether Aaliyah would be able to command the respect that Akasha would certainly draw. Aaliyah arrived in Melbourne extremely well-prepared, and delivered a performance that will make everyone who loves her proud.
Aaliyah was obviously a woman of many talents, and very much in command of them, despite her youth. She was also a very giving person who made everyone around her feel comfortable. I believe much of the credit for this goes to her terrific family, which was always with her, giving her support and a sense of home even when abroad. It's much easier to be an exemplary person and spread one's creative wings in such a nurturing environment. Aaliyah's work speaks most eloquently for itself, and I can only hope that the rest of our film does her justice. We will address how we feel about her life and her passing at the end of the film.
I wouldn't say that Aaliyah had a difficult time, but rather that her role was a very difficult one to play well. That she did play it exceedingly well is one of the lasting tributes we will have of her. Aaliyah was a wonderful, giving person who never complained about anything, including how long it took to dress and make her up.
Aaliyah never had a chance to see the finished film. However, I watched some of her scenes with her in dailies (rushes), and she was very happy with her performance... as she should have been.
I was blown away by Aaliyah's acting in the movie. She showed promise in ROMEO MUST DIE, but in QUEEN she pushed her talent much, much further.
Aaliyah's death has affected our movie in many ways... but I don't think that it will keep people away.
I would just add that she was also a devotee of Egyptian history, and liked vampires, too. In effect, she had every base covered. That she was an actor who became famous as a singer puts her in the same company as, for example, Frank Sinatra and Cher, who delivered more than one critically lauded performance.
The only vampire who has an accent that sounds like their country of origin (an accent they may well have lost over the centuries, in my opinion, especially when speaking English) is Akasha.
On Producing a Movie about Aaliyah's Life
Please remember that I am not producing a movie of Aaliyah's life. This is something that I would imagine her family will do, when they are ready. They are doing as well as could be expected, and the support of her fans definitely makes them feel better.
This will definitely be discussed at the right time, with my support, regardless of whether or not I wind up being involved.

Stuart Townsend
Everyone who has seen Stuart Townsend's portrayal of Lestat marvels at his charisma and sexiness. He managed to integrate Lestat's soulfulness, brattiness and bravado into one pretty damn seamless performance.
Stuart has a slight Irish accent, which is what you'll hear in the movie. The only person in our very international cast who noticeably altered their normal way of speaking was Aaliyah, who developed an ancient Egyptian accent for the role of Akasha. Stuart is indeed a good singer, but we didn't learn that until after we chose him for the role... which is well after we had already signed up Jonathan Davis to sing (as well as compose our songs and score).
Stuart's stand-in had become quite a favorite of the crowd at Werribee by the time that Stuart was to first appear on stage. He was nervous about being perceived as a "movie star," nervous about performing a rock song in front of a big audience, and very nervous once he found himself suspended fifty feet above the stage for his entrance. Stuart fortified himself as much as was seemly (ahem!) (i.e., had a drink or ten), then met his fears. He was terrific from his first swoop down, the crowd loved him, and he now considers that night the highlight of his acting career.
It was difficult to cast Lestat because we were asking a young actor to carry a movie, not to mention risk looking very silly as a rock star. To make the concert work as well as it does, we needed a psyched-up audience, a band that didn't look put together, and someone to hold the center. That was Stuart. He is terrific as a singer, and even better when all hell breaks loose. I think Stuart is a better Lestat from Lestat's point of view than Tom Cruise would have been. (Remember, Cruise played a radically different character — Lestat from Louis' point of view).
Stuart is a very serious actor, who wouldn't take a role he didn't believe in. Lestat is a terrific character, and Stuart enjoyed enacting many of Lestat's aspects. I don't recall Stuart staying in character after "cut" was called, but he certainly didn't crack jokes, either. Rather, he remained focused. Stuart did a lot of training for the fight scenes — working out with a trainer, movement tutoring, wire work, and action choreography — but he was a natural at it. He made it look effortless.

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Post je objavljen 19.08.2005. u 19:09 sati.