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Second chance - part 1

I woke up in the morning
Feeling a familiar pain
It didn't take long to realize
I had "the dream" again

So I lay there thinking
Me and that familiar pain
Wondering if my existance
Realy WAS one in vain.

For in "the dream"
Of days of old
I have her again
In my arms to hold

We're together, we feel love
We hug and we kiss
Not knowing that soon
She'll be the one that I'll miss.

So I get up and wonder
If you could go back in time
Would I be the same fool again
Or maybe this time she'd be mine?

Would I live the same life
Re-live good times and bad
Or maybe, just maybe
Walk another path instead?

Because the life that I lived
Wasn't perfect at all
But a lot might be different
If I change even things small

I might have said "yes" once
instead of a "no" i regret
But because of this "no"
We maybe have met

Evo... pola sata ovo pišem... da si oslobodim dušu... al sad moram na poso... bit će još part 2.... možda i part 3... kad smognem vremena i inspiracije :o)

Hugs and kisses


Post je objavljen 28.07.2005. u 11:57 sati.